Cómo trabajar las habilidades lingüísticas básicas a través de El Hobbit
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Dominar las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas básicas resulta esencial para poder desarrollar correctamente un idioma. La etapa de Educación Primaria se centra en el desarrollo de la expresión y comprensión oral y, escrita. En el aula se debe trabajar con un aprendizaje equilibrado entre las cuatro habilidades y no enfocar un aprendizaje en solo una o dos. Con este trabajo se pretende fomentar estas habilidades de forma conjunta mediante un cuento fantástico, como es el caso de “El Hobbit” (2012[2003]). El desarrollo de las actividades intenta que el alumnado se sienta motivado y pueda disfrutar aprendiendo con este libro. La obra de Tolkien nos aporta grandes valores como coraje, virtud, disfrutar del mundo exterior e incluso a creer en la suerte, por esto, y, porque fue escrito para niños, consideramos que es correcto para trabajar con él en el aula. Además, se trabajará de forma interdisciplinar atendiendo diferentes áreas y competencias.
Mastering the four basic language skills is essential in order to correctly develop a language. The stage of Primary Education focuses on the development of oral and written expression and comprehension. In the classroom you must work with balanced learning among the four skills and not focus on one or two learning. This work aims to promoting these skills together through a fantastic story, as in the case of "The Hobbit" (2012 [2003]). The development of the activities intends that the students feel motivated and can enjoy learning with this book. Tolkien's work brings us great values such as courage, virtue, enjoy the outside world and even believe in luck, for this, and, because it was written for children, we consider it right to work with it in the classroom. In addition, we will work in an interdisciplinary way attending different areas and competences.
Mastering the four basic language skills is essential in order to correctly develop a language. The stage of Primary Education focuses on the development of oral and written expression and comprehension. In the classroom you must work with balanced learning among the four skills and not focus on one or two learning. This work aims to promoting these skills together through a fantastic story, as in the case of "The Hobbit" (2012 [2003]). The development of the activities intends that the students feel motivated and can enjoy learning with this book. Tolkien's work brings us great values such as courage, virtue, enjoy the outside world and even believe in luck, for this, and, because it was written for children, we consider it right to work with it in the classroom. In addition, we will work in an interdisciplinary way attending different areas and competences.
Palabras clave
Lengua Castellana y Literatura