Régimen Disciplinario de la Guardia Civil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La Ley Orgánica del Régimen Disciplinario de la Guardia Civil constituye un paso decisivo, junto con la Ley Orgánica Reguladora de los Derechos y Deberes de los Miembros de la Guardia Civil, para configurar el nuevo marco estatutario de la Institución. Ambas se promulgaron el 22 de octubre de 2007 y ambas responden también a la necesidad de adaptación de las normas a una realidad sujeta a un acelerado proceso de transformación, como es el de la sociedad española. El en presente trabajo en primer lugar se lleva a cabo una clasificación de los tipos disciplinarios y después se analizan algunos de ellos, al mismo tiempo que se destacan los valores propios de la Institución, como la disciplina, imprescindible para desarrollar las funciones que tienen encomendadas sus miembros. Por último, se desarrollan el conjunto de sanciones disciplinarias susceptibles de ser impuestas a quienes resulten responsables de algunas de las infracciones disciplinarias.
[EN] The Organic Law of the Disciplinary Rules of the Civil Guard represents a considerable step forward, together with the Organic Regulatory Law of the Rights and Duties of the Civil Guard Members, to conform the new statuary framework of this Institution. Both organic laws were enacted on 22nd October 2007 and they also respond to the necessity of these rules being adaptated to the reality which is changing rapidly, as the Spanish society does. In this essay, first a classification of the types of disciplinary acts is carried out. Second, some disciplinary rules are assessed (analyzed) and the principles of the Institution itself are highlited, for example de disciplene, which is essential to build up the tasks that the members of the Civil Guard have to do. And finally, I have talked about the range of disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed to persons who are responsible of disciplinary infractions.
[EN] The Organic Law of the Disciplinary Rules of the Civil Guard represents a considerable step forward, together with the Organic Regulatory Law of the Rights and Duties of the Civil Guard Members, to conform the new statuary framework of this Institution. Both organic laws were enacted on 22nd October 2007 and they also respond to the necessity of these rules being adaptated to the reality which is changing rapidly, as the Spanish society does. In this essay, first a classification of the types of disciplinary acts is carried out. Second, some disciplinary rules are assessed (analyzed) and the principles of the Institution itself are highlited, for example de disciplene, which is essential to build up the tasks that the members of the Civil Guard have to do. And finally, I have talked about the range of disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed to persons who are responsible of disciplinary infractions.