Las TIC como recurso didáctico-pedagógico en la etapa de Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) proponemos la aplicación de la metodología Aprendizaje Basado
en Proyectos (ABP) dirigido al alumnado del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, concretamente para 5
años, mediada por TIC. Dicha propuesta basada en el ABP se llama “El cuerpo humano”. El conocimiento
del cuerpo humano forma parte de los contenidos que se han de trabajar en el segundo ciclo de infantil,
registrados en la Orden del 5 de Agosto de 2008, por la que se desarrolla el Currículo correspondiente a la
Educación Infantil en Andalucía.
In this Final Degree Project (FDP) we propose the application of the Project Based Learning methodology (PBL) aimed at students in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, specifically for 5 years, mediated by ICT. This proposal based on the PBL is called "The human body." The knowledge of the human body is part of the contents that have to be worked on in the second cycle of children, registered in the Order of August 5, 2008, by which the Curriculum for Early Childhood Education in Andalusia is developed.With the PBL what we seek is to get them to know their own body, as well as what care we should have to have a good development and proper functioning. The contents to work will be selected for different activities, highlighting in some the use of ICT.
In this Final Degree Project (FDP) we propose the application of the Project Based Learning methodology (PBL) aimed at students in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education, specifically for 5 years, mediated by ICT. This proposal based on the PBL is called "The human body." The knowledge of the human body is part of the contents that have to be worked on in the second cycle of children, registered in the Order of August 5, 2008, by which the Curriculum for Early Childhood Education in Andalusia is developed.With the PBL what we seek is to get them to know their own body, as well as what care we should have to have a good development and proper functioning. The contents to work will be selected for different activities, highlighting in some the use of ICT.