Reflexiones y Enseñanza del Español como Segunda Lengua a través de Refranes: una Aproximación Intercultural
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Actualmente, los refranes constituyen un repertorio importante para la enseñanza ELE como
referente para asimilar el léxico de una lengua, comprender el sentido figurado del cual es portador
para posteriormente aplicarlo a la conversación con un significado pragmático, desarrollo de la
competencia lingüística, multicultural y social; nos encontramos con algunas dificultades como el
hecho de la pervivencia de formas arcaicas, refranes que han caído en desuso, por lo que han
perdido vigencia, así como la ausencia de verbo o artículos y, su carácter ambiguo con la
posibilidad de poder aplicarse a diferentes ámbitos; ello dificulta que el estudiante pueda discernir
o captar el significado del mismo; en ese sentido, el docente ha de mostrarse como un mediador
dotado de recursos para posibilitar que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se desarrolle con
normalidad atendiendo a las necesidades reales del educando y partiendo de la observación; por
ello, nuestro trabajo parte de una taxonomía de la fraseología partiendo de las locuciones y
colocaciones para finalizar con la paremiología como herramienta de inmersión lingüística en
Palabras clave: Colocaciones, enseñanza, ELE, fraseología, inmersión lingüística, léxico,
locuciones, refranes, repertorio
[EN] Reflections and teaching of Spanish as a second language through proverbs and paremias: an intercultural approach. Summary. Currently, proverbs are an important repertoire for ELE teaching as a reference to assimilate the lexicon of a language, to understand the figurative sense of which it is a carrier to later apply it to the conversation with a pragmatic meaning, development of linguistic, multicultural and social competence; we find some difficulties such as the fact of the survival of archaic forms, proverbs that have fallen into disuse so they have lost validity as well as the absence of verb or articles and its ambiguous character with the possibility of being applied to different areas; This makes it difficult for the student to discern or grasp the meaning of the same; in this sense, the teacher has to show himself as a mediator equipped with resources to enable the teaching-learning process to develop normally attending to the real needs of the learner and based on observation; in this sense, our work is based on a taxonomy of phraseology starting from the locutions and collocations to end with paremiology as a tool for linguistic immersion in ELE. Keywords: Collocations, teaching, ELE, phraseology, linguistic immersion, lexicon, locutions, proverbs, repertoire
[EN] Reflections and teaching of Spanish as a second language through proverbs and paremias: an intercultural approach. Summary. Currently, proverbs are an important repertoire for ELE teaching as a reference to assimilate the lexicon of a language, to understand the figurative sense of which it is a carrier to later apply it to the conversation with a pragmatic meaning, development of linguistic, multicultural and social competence; we find some difficulties such as the fact of the survival of archaic forms, proverbs that have fallen into disuse so they have lost validity as well as the absence of verb or articles and its ambiguous character with the possibility of being applied to different areas; This makes it difficult for the student to discern or grasp the meaning of the same; in this sense, the teacher has to show himself as a mediator equipped with resources to enable the teaching-learning process to develop normally attending to the real needs of the learner and based on observation; in this sense, our work is based on a taxonomy of phraseology starting from the locutions and collocations to end with paremiology as a tool for linguistic immersion in ELE. Keywords: Collocations, teaching, ELE, phraseology, linguistic immersion, lexicon, locutions, proverbs, repertoire