Caracterización mecánica de piezas obtenidas mediante impresión 3D
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La Impresión 3D es un proceso de fabricación que está en pleno auge, es por ello que es necesario investigar dicha
En el presente trabajo vamos a enfocarnos en el estudio de los parámetros de impresión, y es que se ha observado que en
función de estos se pueden obtener mejores o peores acabados, mayor o menor resistencia mecánica, mayor o menor tiempo
de fabricación, mayor adhesión entre capas y con ello una menor anisotropía, etc.
Para ello hemos realizado una caracterización mecánica del material PLA (Uno de los más utilizados en la industria de la
Impresión 3D) a partir de la variación de parámetros como la densidad de relleno y espesor de capa. Dicha caracterización
mecánica se hará llevando a cabo ensayos de tracción, compresión y cortante.
3D Printing is a manufacturing process that is booming, which is why it is necessary to investigate this technology. In this paper we will focus on the study of printing parameters, and it has been observed that depending on these, better or worse finishes can be obtained, greater or lesser mechanical resistance, greater or less manufacturing time, greater adhesion between layers and with it a lower anisotropy, etc. For this we have performed a mechanical characterization of the PLA material (One of the most used in the 3D Printing industry) based on the variation of parameters such as filling density and layer thickness. Said mechanical characterization will be carried out by performing tensile, compression and shear tests.
3D Printing is a manufacturing process that is booming, which is why it is necessary to investigate this technology. In this paper we will focus on the study of printing parameters, and it has been observed that depending on these, better or worse finishes can be obtained, greater or lesser mechanical resistance, greater or less manufacturing time, greater adhesion between layers and with it a lower anisotropy, etc. For this we have performed a mechanical characterization of the PLA material (One of the most used in the 3D Printing industry) based on the variation of parameters such as filling density and layer thickness. Said mechanical characterization will be carried out by performing tensile, compression and shear tests.