Análisis estadístico de los efectos de la pandemia en el bienestar psicosocial de la población española
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El presente estudio, tiene por objeto conocer más a fondo la relación entre el confinamiento, consecuencia de la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, y la salud mental; cómo influye en las personas, si influye en el mismo grado, si afecta a todas las personas por igual o de qué variables depende y la intersectorialidad de la intervención del Trabajo Social en situaciones como esta, donde la salud biopsicosocial de las personas es inestable y al igual que la propagación de la pandemia, difícil de controlar si no profundizamos y abordamos el problema desde todos los enfoques posibles
The present study aims to learn more about the relationship between confinement, a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and mental health; how it influences people, if it influences to the same degree, if it affects all people equally or what variables it depends on and the intersectoriality of the intervention of Social Work in situations like this, where the biopsychosocial health of people is unstable and like the spread of the pandemic, difficult to control if we do not go deeper and approach the problem from all possible approaches
The present study aims to learn more about the relationship between confinement, a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and mental health; how it influences people, if it influences to the same degree, if it affects all people equally or what variables it depends on and the intersectoriality of the intervention of Social Work in situations like this, where the biopsychosocial health of people is unstable and like the spread of the pandemic, difficult to control if we do not go deeper and approach the problem from all possible approaches
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