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Este trabajo está dividido en dos bloques o partes básicas:
En primer lugar, tenemos la parte epistemológica en la cual hemos realizado un estado de la cuestión sobre el marketing mix en el sector turístico.
Para comenzar con esta parte definiremos algunos conceptos básicos que abordan este tema como son el turismo y marketing. Una vez aclarados estos términos, veremos un poco la historia de la evolución del marketing mix hasta el presente y en último lugar desarrollaremos con detalle cada una de las cuatro variables del marketing mix aplicado al sector turístico.
En la segunda parte, presentaremos una unidad didáctica del tema elegido para la asignatura de marketing impartida en el 1º curso del ciclo formativo de grado superior: “Información, guía y asistencias turísticas”. En esta parte desarrollaremos dos
unidades didácticas que hemos unido en una sola. Una unidad habla sobre el producto y el precio y la otra habla sobre la distribución y la comunicación en el sector turístico.
This work is divided into two basic parts: In first place, we have the epistemology part in which we have performed an state of the question about marketing mix in tourism sector. First, we are going to define some basic concepts about this theme and we will see marketing mix evolution history up to the present and eventually, we will finish explaining the question state in which we will see with details the four marketing mix elements in tourism sector. In the second part, we will introduce a didactic approach about the chosen theme for the marketing subject taught in the first school year in the superior grade professional training: “Information, guide and touristic assistance” In this part, we will explain two didactics units which we have joined in one unit. One of them is about the product and price and the other one is about distribution and communication in tourism sector.
This work is divided into two basic parts: In first place, we have the epistemology part in which we have performed an state of the question about marketing mix in tourism sector. First, we are going to define some basic concepts about this theme and we will see marketing mix evolution history up to the present and eventually, we will finish explaining the question state in which we will see with details the four marketing mix elements in tourism sector. In the second part, we will introduce a didactic approach about the chosen theme for the marketing subject taught in the first school year in the superior grade professional training: “Information, guide and touristic assistance” In this part, we will explain two didactics units which we have joined in one unit. One of them is about the product and price and the other one is about distribution and communication in tourism sector.
Palabras clave
Especialidad Hosteleria y Turismo