Programa de Intervención en inteligencia emocional en personas con Síndrome de Down.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] EI presente programa de intervención se basa en el Modelo de Habilidad de Mayer y Salovey ( 1997). Su aplicación está destinada a personas con Síndrome de Down, con edades comprendidas entre 21 años y 40, con un nivel cognitivo suficiente para su aplicación, basada en la prueba de inteligencia K-BIT (Kaufman y Kaufman, 1997) pertenecientes a la Asociación Síndrome de Down Jaén y provincia. El programa será aplicado a 36 participantes, divididos en dos grupos, uno será el grupo experimental con 18 participantes, y otro será el grupo control con otros 18. El programa se estructura en 12 sesiones, incluyendo la sesión pre test, post-test y el seguimiento. El objetivo es entrenar la Inteligencia Emocional con el objeto de intentar mejorar la calidad de vida y las relaciones interpersonales, junto a la felicidad de éstos sujetos. Se prevén resultados positivos y satisfactorios en las áreas de calidad de vida, felicidad y relaciones interpersonales. Se debe tener en cuenta la escasez de programas de intervención en esta población, y por ello nuestro interés en su estudio y aplicación.
[EN] The present intervention program is based on the Skill Model of Mayer and Salovey (1997). Its application is in tended for people with Down syndrome, aged between 21 and 40 years, with a suffic ient cognitive leve! for its appli cation, based on the K-BIT intell igence test (Kaufman and Kaufman, 1997) belonging to the Asociación Síndrome ofDown Jaén and province. The program will be applied to 36 participants, divided into two groups, one will be the experimental group with 18 participants, and another wi ll be the control group with another 18. The program is structured in 12 sessions, incl uding the pre-test, post-test and monitoring. The obj ective is to train the Emotional lntell igence in order to try to improve the quality of life and interpersonal relationships, together with the happiness of these subjects. Positive and sati sfactory res ults are expected in the areas of quality of life, happiness and interpersonal relationships. The scarcity of intervention programs in this population should be taken into account, and therefore our interest in its study and application.
[EN] The present intervention program is based on the Skill Model of Mayer and Salovey (1997). Its application is in tended for people with Down syndrome, aged between 21 and 40 years, with a suffic ient cognitive leve! for its appli cation, based on the K-BIT intell igence test (Kaufman and Kaufman, 1997) belonging to the Asociación Síndrome ofDown Jaén and province. The program will be applied to 36 participants, divided into two groups, one will be the experimental group with 18 participants, and another wi ll be the control group with another 18. The program is structured in 12 sessions, incl uding the pre-test, post-test and monitoring. The obj ective is to train the Emotional lntell igence in order to try to improve the quality of life and interpersonal relationships, together with the happiness of these subjects. Positive and sati sfactory res ults are expected in the areas of quality of life, happiness and interpersonal relationships. The scarcity of intervention programs in this population should be taken into account, and therefore our interest in its study and application.