Diseño, optimización estructural y modelado BIM de una construcción industrial con puente grúa y cubierta en diente de sierra
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo se diseña una nave industrial cuyos elementos estructurales serán dimensionados y optimizados. Estos
datos serán exportados a formato BIM para construir el modelo de la nave, dotada de puente grúa y cubierta en diente
de sierra, con el nivel de detalle suficiente como para poder mostrarla a un posible promotor. El proceso de diseño y
optimización consiste en estudiar distintas tipologías estructurales para poder determinar cuál de todas es la más
favorable económicamente. Como herramientas se emplea distinto software profesional de cálculo estructural y
modelado BIM. Se realiza un diseño abierto y versátil que puede satisfacer las exigencias de un posible cliente que
desee ubicar en ella una industria del sector del plástico. En definitiva se realiza un diseño completo de un edificio
industrial, tarea que es competencia profesional atribuida a los ingenieros industriales, como colofón a la titulación y
preparación para la inserción laboral.
In this work, an industrial building is designed whose structural elements will be dimensioned and optimized. These data will be exported to BIM format to build the model of an industrial building with an overhead travelling crane and sawtooth roof, with enough level of detail to be able to show it to a possible contractor. The design and optimization process implies the analysis of different structural typologies in order to choose the most economic solution. Different professional software for structural calculation and BIM modeling is used as tools. An open and versatile design is made that can satisfy the demands of a potential client who wishes to locate an industry in the plastics sector. In short, a complete design of an industrial building is carried out, a task that is professional competence attributed to industrial engineers, as a culmination of the Master Degree and preparation for job placement.
In this work, an industrial building is designed whose structural elements will be dimensioned and optimized. These data will be exported to BIM format to build the model of an industrial building with an overhead travelling crane and sawtooth roof, with enough level of detail to be able to show it to a possible contractor. The design and optimization process implies the analysis of different structural typologies in order to choose the most economic solution. Different professional software for structural calculation and BIM modeling is used as tools. An open and versatile design is made that can satisfy the demands of a potential client who wishes to locate an industry in the plastics sector. In short, a complete design of an industrial building is carried out, a task that is professional competence attributed to industrial engineers, as a culmination of the Master Degree and preparation for job placement.