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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La animación, entendida como técnica artística y cultural, ha sido una
herramienta con gran potencial educativo que ha ido evolucionando progresivamente
hasta convertirse en un medio familiar y accesible para cualquier persona. No obstante,
no se está utilizando todo su potencial al tener desconocimiento del mismo y de la
verdadera situación a su alrededor.
Este proyecto se plantea como una aproximación al mundo del cine de
animación desde un punto de vista práctico y educativo para el acercamiento de las
artes al colectivo estudiantil, centrado especialmente en el grupo de Secundaria; con el
fin de poder abandonar los clichés y traer el casi inalcanzable mundo del cine a los
[EN] Animation, understood as an artistic and cultural technique, has been a tool with great educational potential that has progressively evolved to become a familiar and accessible medium for everyone. However, its full potential is not being used due to a lack of knowledge about it and the real situation around it. This project is proposed as an approach to the world of animated film from a practical and educational point of view in order to bring the arts closer to the student body, focusing especially on the secondary school group, with the aim of abandoning clichés and bringing the almost unattainable world of film to pupils.
[EN] Animation, understood as an artistic and cultural technique, has been a tool with great educational potential that has progressively evolved to become a familiar and accessible medium for everyone. However, its full potential is not being used due to a lack of knowledge about it and the real situation around it. This project is proposed as an approach to the world of animated film from a practical and educational point of view in order to bring the arts closer to the student body, focusing especially on the secondary school group, with the aim of abandoning clichés and bringing the almost unattainable world of film to pupils.