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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Nos encontramos en un momento de inflexión en cuanto a los objetivos que la Educación Secundaria
Obligatoria debe lograr y en el modo que deben llevarse a cabo. En la actualidad abogamos por una
formación completa y adecuada en un entorno dinámico, que requiere del alumnado la capacidad de
aprender conocimientos del medio que les rodea para poder aplicarlos en lo cotidiano y no solo en el
ámbito académico. En esa cotidianidad, en plena era de la información o era digital en la que vivimos, se
ha vuelto indiscutible la relevancia que ha adquirido la Estadística debido en gran parte a su utilidad social
en nuestro día a día. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster, a través del diseño de una unidad didáctica (previa
justificación didáctica, curricular y epistemológica) para la asignatura de “Matemáticas orientadas a las
enseñanzas académicas” del 4o curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, tiene como objetivo el crear
un entorno didáctico ameno y próximo en el que desarrollar y aplicar la propia Estadística. Para ello, se
valdrá de la versatilidad de la Estadística en el aula utilizando el deporte como vehículo a través de la
aplicación de una metodología de trabajo con proyectos. Palabras clave: Matemáticas, Estadística, unidad
didáctica, aprendizaje, deporte, Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.
(EN)We are at a turning point in terms of the objectives that Compulsory Secondary Education must achieve and the way in which they must be carried out. At present we advocate a complete and adequate training in a dynamic environment, which requires students the ability to apprehend knowledge of the environment that surrounds them to be able to apply them in everyday life and not only in the academic field. We are in the middle of the information age or digital age and today the relevance that Statistics has acquired in our day to day is indisputable. Not only as an academic tool, but for its social utility. This Master's Thesis, through the design of a didactic unit for the subject of Academic Mathematics of 4th year of the Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education, tries to take advantage of the versatility of Statistics in the classroom, using sport as a vehicle, and through the application of a methodology of work with projects to create a pleasant and close didactic environment in which to develop and apply Statistics itself. Keywords: Mathematics, Statistics, didactics, sport, work with projects, secondary education.
(EN)We are at a turning point in terms of the objectives that Compulsory Secondary Education must achieve and the way in which they must be carried out. At present we advocate a complete and adequate training in a dynamic environment, which requires students the ability to apprehend knowledge of the environment that surrounds them to be able to apply them in everyday life and not only in the academic field. We are in the middle of the information age or digital age and today the relevance that Statistics has acquired in our day to day is indisputable. Not only as an academic tool, but for its social utility. This Master's Thesis, through the design of a didactic unit for the subject of Academic Mathematics of 4th year of the Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education, tries to take advantage of the versatility of Statistics in the classroom, using sport as a vehicle, and through the application of a methodology of work with projects to create a pleasant and close didactic environment in which to develop and apply Statistics itself. Keywords: Mathematics, Statistics, didactics, sport, work with projects, secondary education.