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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La mitología ha pervivido en nuestra literatura hasta tal punto que autores
como Góngora, Quevedo o Garcilaso de la Vega se han nutrido de estos mitos y los han
llevado al terreno de la poesía renacentista, como es el caso de este último. Este
trabajo de investigación tiene la finalidad de plasmar, mediante una unidad didáctica,
la influencia de la mitología clásica en la poesía de Garcilaso de la Vega en la Enseñanza
Secundaria Obligatoria. Este proyecto, a su vez, consta de una serie de actividades con
las que se pretende afianzar unos conocimientos necesarios por el alumnado y hacer
que desarrolle habilidades personales y académicas, trabajando las cuatro
competencias lingüísticas.
Palabras clave: mitología, literatura, Garcilaso, destrezas básicas.
[EN]Mythology has survived in our literature to such an extent that authors like Góngora, Quevedo or Garcilaso de la Vega have adapted these myths to take them to the field of Renaissance poetry, as is the case of last one. This research work aims to capture, through the elaboration of a lesson plan, the influence of classical mythology on the poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega in the Compulsory Education in Spain. This project, in turn, consists of a series of activities with which I intend both to consolidate some necessary knowledge for the students and to make them develop personal and academic abilities, working on the four linguistic skills. Key words: mythology, literature, Garcilaso, basic skills.
[EN]Mythology has survived in our literature to such an extent that authors like Góngora, Quevedo or Garcilaso de la Vega have adapted these myths to take them to the field of Renaissance poetry, as is the case of last one. This research work aims to capture, through the elaboration of a lesson plan, the influence of classical mythology on the poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega in the Compulsory Education in Spain. This project, in turn, consists of a series of activities with which I intend both to consolidate some necessary knowledge for the students and to make them develop personal and academic abilities, working on the four linguistic skills. Key words: mythology, literature, Garcilaso, basic skills.
Palabras clave
Lengua castellana y literatura