Prototipo para la generación de objetos 3D con topología implícita.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un prototipo de aplicación que genera modelos 3D con superficies curvadas complejas sin necesidad de explicitar su topología, concretamente usando la técnica del lofting. Para ello, se permite que el usuario introduzca los parámetros que darán forma al modelo.
Además, el prototipo permite visualizar diferentes características del modelo creado, para mostrar aún más información que no se podría distinguir a simple vista.
Finalmente, la aplicación permite guardar los modelos generados en un fichero permitiendo así su uso en otras aplicaciones.
In this work an application prototype has been developed that generates 3D models with complex curved surfaces without the need to explain their topology, specifically using the lofting technique. To do this, the user is allowed to enter the parameters that will shape the model. In addition, the prototype allows to visualize different characteristics of the created model, to show even more information that could not be distinguished with the naked eye. Finally, the application allows to save the generated models in a file allowing its use in other applications.
In this work an application prototype has been developed that generates 3D models with complex curved surfaces without the need to explain their topology, specifically using the lofting technique. To do this, the user is allowed to enter the parameters that will shape the model. In addition, the prototype allows to visualize different characteristics of the created model, to show even more information that could not be distinguished with the naked eye. Finally, the application allows to save the generated models in a file allowing its use in other applications.
Palabras clave
Sistemas Gráficos