Caracterización mecánica avanzada de nuevos materiales para impresión 3D
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo consiste en la caracterización avanzada de nuevos materiales metálicos para impresión 3D
realizando ensayos a tracción y cortante con el fin de verificar el comportamiento elástico y plástico del material y
evaluar la ortotropía y los cambios en las propiedades mecánicas que introducen tanto los aditivos como el proceso de
impresión, lo cual genera problemas a la hora de analizar casos con cargas biaxiales o triaxiales. Por este motivo, la
caracterización se realizó para obtener las propiedades en las tres direcciones (X, Y, Z). La obtención de la deformación
en la pieza se llevó a cabo mediante la técnica de Correlación Digital de Imágenes (DIC), que permite la obtención de
mapas completos de deformación de la superficie objeto de estudio. Todos los ensayos se realizaron bajo la normativa
internacional aplicable con el fin de obtener los resultados más homogéneos posibles. El material estudiado en este
trabajo fue el acero inoxidable 17-4 PH de alta resistencia, el cual es muy empleado en infinidad de aplicaciones
industriales como herramientas de resistencia al desgaste, llaves y casquillos o piezas estructurales entre otras.
This project consists of the advanced characterisation of new metallic materials for 3D printing by performing tensile and shear tests in order to verify the elastic and plastic behaviour of the material and to evaluate the orthotropy and the changes in the mechanical properties introduced by both the additives and the printing process, which generates problems when analysing cases with biaxial or triaxial loads. For this reason, the characterisation was carried out to obtain the properties in all three directions (X, Y, Z). The deformation of the part was obtained using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique, which allows complete deformation maps of the surface under study to be obtained. All the tests were carried out in accordance with the applicable international standards in order to obtain the most homogeneous results possible. The material studied in this work was high-strength 17-4 PH stainless steel, which is widely used in many industrial applications such as wear-resistant tools, spanners and bushings or structural parts, among others.
This project consists of the advanced characterisation of new metallic materials for 3D printing by performing tensile and shear tests in order to verify the elastic and plastic behaviour of the material and to evaluate the orthotropy and the changes in the mechanical properties introduced by both the additives and the printing process, which generates problems when analysing cases with biaxial or triaxial loads. For this reason, the characterisation was carried out to obtain the properties in all three directions (X, Y, Z). The deformation of the part was obtained using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique, which allows complete deformation maps of the surface under study to be obtained. All the tests were carried out in accordance with the applicable international standards in order to obtain the most homogeneous results possible. The material studied in this work was high-strength 17-4 PH stainless steel, which is widely used in many industrial applications such as wear-resistant tools, spanners and bushings or structural parts, among others.