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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Máster es un proyecto de aplicación teórica y práctica que investiga y analiza distintos métodos y modelos de enseñanza de la Caligrafía, referentes a los alfabetos latinos extendidos dentro de la cultura occidental, cuyo objetivo es obtener unas conclusiones que lleven a adaptar la metodología más eficaz en el propósito de la docencia de dicha disciplina en el contexto del diseño gráfico, como parte esencial dentro de la Tipografía, como modo de adquirir conocimientos sobre la construcción de las letras o como manera de instruir a profesionales que inclinan su carrera hacia dicha disciplina. Es por tanto un estudio de carácter cuantitativo que recopila y analiza datos extraídos de diferentes modelos pedagógicos, empleados en la caligrafía de alfabetos de tradición latina a través
de los siglos desde el nacimiento de la imprenta, con especial atención a los métodos empleados a partir de los últimos años del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad.
Actualmente, la actividad caligráfica se separa bastante de la que cualquier profesional dedicado a ello, ha ejercido durante siglos y el desarrollo que ha tenido la caligrafía con la aparición de nuevas formas expresivas y de construcción de los alfabetos, nuevos materiales y nuevos soportes conlleva una evidente evolución de la labor docente de la misma.
[EN] This Master’s Final Project is a project of theoretical and practical application that investigates and analyzes different methods and models of Calligraphy teaching, referring to the extended Latin alphabets within Western culture, whose objective is to obtain conclusions that lead to adapt the most effective methodology in the purpose of teaching this discipline in the context of graphic design, as an essential part within Typography, as a way of acquiring knowledge about the construction of letters or as a way to instruct professionals who incline their career towards said discipline. It is therefore a quantitative study that collects and analyzes data extracted from different pedagogical models, used in the calligraphy of alphabets of the Latin tradition through the centuries since the birth of the printing press, with special attention to the methods used from the last years of the 19th century to the present. Currently, the calligraphic activity is quite different from that which any professional dedicated to it, has exercised for centuries and the development that calligraphy has had with the appearance of new expressive forms and construction of alphabets, new materials and new supports entails a evident evolution of the teaching work of the same.
[EN] This Master’s Final Project is a project of theoretical and practical application that investigates and analyzes different methods and models of Calligraphy teaching, referring to the extended Latin alphabets within Western culture, whose objective is to obtain conclusions that lead to adapt the most effective methodology in the purpose of teaching this discipline in the context of graphic design, as an essential part within Typography, as a way of acquiring knowledge about the construction of letters or as a way to instruct professionals who incline their career towards said discipline. It is therefore a quantitative study that collects and analyzes data extracted from different pedagogical models, used in the calligraphy of alphabets of the Latin tradition through the centuries since the birth of the printing press, with special attention to the methods used from the last years of the 19th century to the present. Currently, the calligraphic activity is quite different from that which any professional dedicated to it, has exercised for centuries and the development that calligraphy has had with the appearance of new expressive forms and construction of alphabets, new materials and new supports entails a evident evolution of the teaching work of the same.