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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Máster consiste en una búsqueda bibliográfica la cual se centra en el control de
plaguicidas y disolventes halogenados volátiles en aceite de oliva y aceituna, abordando diferentes
aspectos relacionados con estos compuestos no deseados. En primer lugar, se exploran los orígenes de
estos compuestos. En este contexto, se analizan las regulaciones europeas y la Norma Comercial del
Consejo Oleícola Internacional en las que se establecen los límites máximos de residuos de plaguicidas
en aceituna y disolventes halogenados en aceite de oliva, con el objetivo de proteger a los
consumidores y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Estas regulaciones son fundamentales para
asegurar que los aceites de oliva comercializados cumplan con los estándares de calidad y seguridad
Finalmente, se examinan las diversas técnicas de tratamiento de muestra y análisis que se utilizan para
controlar la presencia de plaguicidas y disolventes halogenados volátiles en el aceite de oliva y
[EN] This Master Thesis consists of a bibliographic search which focuses on the control of pesticides and volatile halogenated solvents in olive oil and olives, addressing different aspects related to these unwanted compounds. First, the origins of these compounds are explored. In this context, European regulations and the International Olive Council Trade Standard establishing maximum residue limits for pesticide residues in olives and halogenated solvents in olive oil are analyzed, with the aim of protecting consumers and ensuring food safety. These regulations are essential to ensure that the olive oils marketed comply with established quality and safety standards. Finally, the various sample treatment and analytical techniques used to control the presence of pesticides and volatile halogenated solvents in olive oil and olives are examined and reviewed.
[EN] This Master Thesis consists of a bibliographic search which focuses on the control of pesticides and volatile halogenated solvents in olive oil and olives, addressing different aspects related to these unwanted compounds. First, the origins of these compounds are explored. In this context, European regulations and the International Olive Council Trade Standard establishing maximum residue limits for pesticide residues in olives and halogenated solvents in olive oil are analyzed, with the aim of protecting consumers and ensuring food safety. These regulations are essential to ensure that the olive oils marketed comply with established quality and safety standards. Finally, the various sample treatment and analytical techniques used to control the presence of pesticides and volatile halogenated solvents in olive oil and olives are examined and reviewed.