Las entidades locales menores ante la exigencia de estabilidad. La supresión de la E.L.A. de San Julián
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] A raíz de la crisis financiera de 2008, comenzada en Estados Unidos con las hipotecas basura, y la posterior crisis de la deuda soberana, muchos países se vieron obligados a desarrollar medidas de control del gasto, límite de déficit y deuda, y ciertos cambios en la gestión y organización de los recursos públicos.
España no quedó al margen, y como miembro de la Unión Europea, tuvo que aceptar las
exigencias del pacto fiscal europeo, formalmente conocido como el Tratado de Estabilidad, Coordinación y Gobernanza en la Unión Económica y Monetaria, firmado el 2 marzo 2012. Previamente, se realizó una reforma rápida de nuestra Carta Magna, que junto con las modificaciones y leyes del ordenamiento jurídico español, han provocado que desde entonces, las prioridades en nuestras Administraciones Públicas sean el cumplimiento de las exigencias del pacto fiscal. No dejando ninguna entidad pública al margen, y sufriendo especialmente todo ello, las de menor tamaño, las cuales, están predestinadas a desaparecer, como son las
entidades locales inferiores al municipio.
[EN] As a result of the 2008 financial crisis, started in the United States with the subprime mortgages and the subsequent crisis of the sovereign debt. Many countries were forced to develop cost-control measures, to set limits on deficit and debt levels, and to implement a set of changes in the management and organization of the public resources. Spain did not remain on the sidelines and as a member of the European Union, had to accept the requirements of the European Fiscal Compact, (formally the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) signed on 2 March 2012. Previously, a quick change of the Magna Carta was conducted, which alongside the modifications and laws of the Spanish legal system. Since then, all of this has caused that the priorities in our public administrations are the fulfillment of the requirements fiscal agreement. Without leaving out any public entity, and especially suffering all of this, those of minor size, which are predestined to disappear, such as the local authorities lower than the municipality.
[EN] As a result of the 2008 financial crisis, started in the United States with the subprime mortgages and the subsequent crisis of the sovereign debt. Many countries were forced to develop cost-control measures, to set limits on deficit and debt levels, and to implement a set of changes in the management and organization of the public resources. Spain did not remain on the sidelines and as a member of the European Union, had to accept the requirements of the European Fiscal Compact, (formally the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) signed on 2 March 2012. Previously, a quick change of the Magna Carta was conducted, which alongside the modifications and laws of the Spanish legal system. Since then, all of this has caused that the priorities in our public administrations are the fulfillment of the requirements fiscal agreement. Without leaving out any public entity, and especially suffering all of this, those of minor size, which are predestined to disappear, such as the local authorities lower than the municipality.