Proyecto para la evaluación de programas de adicción a las redes sociales (PEPRSS).
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Cada año, se incrementa exponencialmente el uso de las redes sociales. Los más afectados en
este caso son los adolescentes, grupo social muy vulnerable respecto a los acontecimientos del medio social en el que se encuentran. La creación de programas basados en factores de protección respecto a un uso desproporcionado de las redes sociales resulta fundamental para un correcto desarrollo en diferentes ámbitos; académico, familiar, social…El programa de intervención que se plantea se basa el establecimiento de rutinas saludables, un incremento de la autoestima, la percepción de control de la información y un aumento del conocimiento del cyberbullying y otros peligros asociados al uso de las redes sociales como objetivos principales con la finalidad de incrementar la calidad de vida de los más jóvenes. Se implementará en centros de protección de menores y tendrá una duración de ocho semanas y se basa en un diseño cuasi-experimental y como técnica de análisis estadísticos ANCOVA.
Every year, the use of social networks increases exponentially. The most affected in this case are adolescents, a very vulnerable social group with respect to the events of the social environment in which they find themselves. The creation of programs based on protective factors regarding a disproportionate use of social networks is essential for a correct development in different areas; academic, family, social ... The intervention program that is proposed is based on the establishment of healthy routines, an increase in self-esteem, the perception of information control and an increase in knowledge of cyberbullying and other dangers associated with the use of networks social as main objectives in order to increase the quality of life of the youngest. It will be implemented in child protection centers and will last for eight weeks and is based on a quasi-experimental design and as an ANCOVA statistical analysis technique.
Every year, the use of social networks increases exponentially. The most affected in this case are adolescents, a very vulnerable social group with respect to the events of the social environment in which they find themselves. The creation of programs based on protective factors regarding a disproportionate use of social networks is essential for a correct development in different areas; academic, family, social ... The intervention program that is proposed is based on the establishment of healthy routines, an increase in self-esteem, the perception of information control and an increase in knowledge of cyberbullying and other dangers associated with the use of networks social as main objectives in order to increase the quality of life of the youngest. It will be implemented in child protection centers and will last for eight weeks and is based on a quasi-experimental design and as an ANCOVA statistical analysis technique.
Palabras clave
Psicología Social