Propuesta de programa de intervención: resiliencia en padres de niños con discapacidad
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La resiliencia es un concepto que está en auge. Diversos autores han investigado sobre
sus beneficios y el tipo de aplicaciones que puede ofrecer este concepto. A lo largo del
ciclo vital es inevitable no enfrentarse a situaciones difíciles y que produzcan estrés.
Una de las situaciones que más estrés produce es la llegada de un hijo con algún tipo de
discapacidad ya que además de no encajar en la idea prediseñada de hijo, son muchos
los obstáculos que superar como el rechazo de la sociedad así como la vulnerabilidad a
diversos trastornos psicológicos. Esta situación no solo afecta a los padres sino también
al resto de familiares. El presente programa va dirigido a desarrollar la resiliencia en
padres de niños con discapacidad. Conociendo qué factores influyen en el desarrollo de
la resiliencia, se considera que la mejor forma para fomentar este concepto es a través
del impulso y optimización de competencias internas. No obstante, el apoyo de agentes
externos también juega un papel importante en el desarrollo de la resiliencia.
Resilience is a concept that is booming. Several authors have investigated the benefits and the type of applications this concept can offer. Throughout the vital cicle difficult situations can produce stress and it difficult to face them. One of the most stressful situations is when a disabled child arrives as well as not fit into the idea predesigned son, there are many obstacles to overcome as the rejection of society and the vulnerability to various psychological disorders. This situation affects not only parents but also other relatives. This program is aimed at developing resilience in disabled children´s parents. Knowing what factors influence the development of resilience, it is considered that the best way to promote this concept is through the promotion and optimization of internal skills. However, the support of external agents also plays an important role in the development of resilience.
Resilience is a concept that is booming. Several authors have investigated the benefits and the type of applications this concept can offer. Throughout the vital cicle difficult situations can produce stress and it difficult to face them. One of the most stressful situations is when a disabled child arrives as well as not fit into the idea predesigned son, there are many obstacles to overcome as the rejection of society and the vulnerability to various psychological disorders. This situation affects not only parents but also other relatives. This program is aimed at developing resilience in disabled children´s parents. Knowing what factors influence the development of resilience, it is considered that the best way to promote this concept is through the promotion and optimization of internal skills. However, the support of external agents also plays an important role in the development of resilience.