Efecto de un programa de actividad física cooperativa de alta intensidad en clases de EF sobre el tecnoestrés en adolescentes.
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Peña-Mimbrera, Francisco-Jesús
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La práctica regular de actividad física actúa como un factor protector del estrés en
niños y adolescentes. Sin embargo, no se conoce su posible influencia sobre la tensión psíquica
asociada al empleo de las nuevas tecnologías o tecnoestrés. El objetivo de este trabajo residió en
explorar en qué medida la participación en un programa cooperativo de actividad física, realizada
a alta intensidad, reduciría el grado de tecnoestrés informado por un grupo de adolescentes. Un
total de 66 estudiantes (25 incluidos en un grupo cuasi-control y 41 en un grupo cuasi-
experimental) completaron una medida de tecnoestrés en dos momentos temporales distintos,
antes y a la conclusión de una intervención, de ocho semanas de duración, realizada en la clase
de Educación Física. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel de tecnoestrés disminuyó levemente
en el grupo cuasi-experimental a la conclusión de la intervención, si bien, no se observaron
diferencias respecto al grupo cuasi-control.
Palabras clave: actividad física cooperativa de alta intensidad, tecnoestrés, adolescentes
[EN]The regular practice of physical activity acts as a protective factor against stress in children and adolescents. Nevertheless, its possible influence on physic tensión associated with the use of new technologies or techostress, is not known. The objective of this Project consisted of investigating to what extent participation in a cooperative program of physical activity, performed at high intensity, would reduce the degree of technostress informed by a group of adolescents. A total of 66 students (25 of them included in a quasi-control group and 41 in a quasi- experimental group) completed a mesaurement of technostress in two different moments, before and at the conclusión of an eight-week intervention, made in the Physical Education class. The results showed that the level of technostress slightly diminished in the quasi-experimental group at the conclusión of the intervention, although they were not observed differences regarding the quasi-control group. Key words: cooperative high intensity physical activity, technostress, adolescents
[EN]The regular practice of physical activity acts as a protective factor against stress in children and adolescents. Nevertheless, its possible influence on physic tensión associated with the use of new technologies or techostress, is not known. The objective of this Project consisted of investigating to what extent participation in a cooperative program of physical activity, performed at high intensity, would reduce the degree of technostress informed by a group of adolescents. A total of 66 students (25 of them included in a quasi-control group and 41 in a quasi- experimental group) completed a mesaurement of technostress in two different moments, before and at the conclusión of an eight-week intervention, made in the Physical Education class. The results showed that the level of technostress slightly diminished in the quasi-experimental group at the conclusión of the intervention, although they were not observed differences regarding the quasi-control group. Key words: cooperative high intensity physical activity, technostress, adolescents
Palabras clave
Educación Física