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En el presente TFG, a través de revisiones bibliográficas y tratamiento documental, abordaré un tema que ha
generado debate en nuestras sociedades, el negacionismo climático. Este trabajo realiza una crítica al negacionismo climático, corriente ideológica que se dedica a crear la duda respecto a los perjudiciales efectos del cambio climático. Para ello, examinaremos, por un lado, algunas cuestiones como el
significado del cambio climático, sus consecuencias y las posibles alternativas para hacer frente a la sociedad de consumo y el daño a la naturaleza, planteando además la teórica crítica del ecofeminismo. Y, por otro lado, analizaremos cuestiones como los antecedentes del negacionismo climático, los perfiles de los negacionistas, el negacionismo en el siglo XXI y el papel del Trabajo Social
In this TFG, through bibliographic reviews and documentary treatment, I will address a topic that has generated debate in our societies, the negation of climate. This work criticizes climate negationism, an ideological current dedicated to creating doubt about the harmful effects of climate change. To do this, we will examine on the one hand some questions such as the meaning of climate change, its consequences and the possible alternatives to face the consumer society and the damage to nature, raising also the critical theoretical of ecofeminism. On the other hand, we will analyze issues such as the background of climate negationism, the profiles of negationists, negationism in the 21st century and the role of Social Work. This work will show the importance of contrasting the information disclosed so as not to be carried away by the hoaxes or erroneous data
In this TFG, through bibliographic reviews and documentary treatment, I will address a topic that has generated debate in our societies, the negation of climate. This work criticizes climate negationism, an ideological current dedicated to creating doubt about the harmful effects of climate change. To do this, we will examine on the one hand some questions such as the meaning of climate change, its consequences and the possible alternatives to face the consumer society and the damage to nature, raising also the critical theoretical of ecofeminism. On the other hand, we will analyze issues such as the background of climate negationism, the profiles of negationists, negationism in the 21st century and the role of Social Work. This work will show the importance of contrasting the information disclosed so as not to be carried away by the hoaxes or erroneous data
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