Evaluación de altas capacidades en edad escolar
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una variedad de baterías para evaluar las altas capacidades desde una perspectiva multidimensional, teniendo en cuenta el cociente intelectual (CI) así como, otros factores. Para ello se empieza haciendo un breve recorrido por la historia de la evaluación en la inteligencia, el intento de medir las diferencias individuales en un mismo grupo. Se exponen algunas de las definiciones más extendidas de inteligencia y altas capacidades, que han dado lugar a los modelos que se presentan e incluso a los test que hoy día se usan por terapeutas y educadores. Por último se explican algunos de los modelos más extendidos o novedosos que darán lugar a las baterías más usadas en la actualidad (o que están en auge) para evaluar las altas capacidades y que también se comentan. Con ellas se pretenden evaluar las altas capacidades teniendo en cuenta diferentes factores de los individuos
The aim of this work is to present different sets of questions to assess high capabilities from a multidimensional perspective, considering intelligence quotient (I.Q.) as well as other factors. For this purpose, it has been carried out a brief overview of the history of the intelligence assessment and the attempt to measure individual differences in the same group. Additionally, some of the most widely spread definitions of intelligence and high capabilities have been outlined. Such definitions have originated the patterns presented and even the tests used by therapists and educators in the present. Finally, it is explained some of the most used or innovative patterns, which will produce the most frequent batteries applied to assess high capabilities as well as the booming ones, also commented. The aim when using them is to assess high capabilities according to the different individual`s factors
The aim of this work is to present different sets of questions to assess high capabilities from a multidimensional perspective, considering intelligence quotient (I.Q.) as well as other factors. For this purpose, it has been carried out a brief overview of the history of the intelligence assessment and the attempt to measure individual differences in the same group. Additionally, some of the most widely spread definitions of intelligence and high capabilities have been outlined. Such definitions have originated the patterns presented and even the tests used by therapists and educators in the present. Finally, it is explained some of the most used or innovative patterns, which will produce the most frequent batteries applied to assess high capabilities as well as the booming ones, also commented. The aim when using them is to assess high capabilities according to the different individual`s factors