Efecto de un programa de C-HIIT de 8 semanas en la condición física, fatness y salud en adolescentes.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el efecto de un programa de C-HIIT integrado
en las clases de Educación Física, incluyendo sistema de retos, sobre la Condición Física,
Fatness y Salud en adolescentes. La intervención de ocho semanas consistió en
20min/sesión de C-HIIT en las clases de Educación Física (2 días/semana) y 7
días/semana de retos C-HIIT extraescolares. La muestra fue de 101 adolescentes (GE=59
y GC=42) de Centros de Educación Secundaria de Jaén, España. Se utilizaron pruebas de
las baterías ALPHA-fitness y Eurofit para pruebas físicas y el test KIDSCREEN para
evaluar la Salud. El programa de intervención no produjo mejoras significativas ni en
Salud, ni en Fatness. Sí hubo mejora significativa en dos aspectos de la Condición Física,
la velocidad y el salto horizontal. Se sugiere que un programa de C-HIIT de ocho semanas
con sistema de retos puede mejorar la Condición Física de escolares adolescentes,
principalmente la fuerza del tren inferior, con la velocidad y el salto horizontal.
Palabras clave: actividad física, alta intensidad, aptitud física, composición corporal, calidad de vida,
[EN]The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of a C-HIIT program integrated in the Physical Education classes, including a challenges system, on Physical Condition, Fatness and Health in adolescents. The eight-week intervention consisted of 20min/session of C-HIIT in Physical Education classes (2 days/week) and 7 days/week of extracurricular C-HIIT challenges. The sample was 101 adolescents (GE = 59 and GC = 42) from Secondary Education Centers in Jaén, Spain. ALPHA-fitness and Eurofit batteries were used for physical tests and KIDSCREEN test to evaluate Health. The intervention program did not produce significant improvements in either Health or Fatness. There was significant improvement in two aspects of the Physical Condition, speed and horizontal jump. It is suggested that an eight-week C-HIIT program with a challenge system can improve the physical condition of adolescent school children, mainly the lower train strength, with speed and horizontal jump. Keywords: physical activity, high intensity, physical fitness, body composition, quality of life, secondary
[EN]The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of a C-HIIT program integrated in the Physical Education classes, including a challenges system, on Physical Condition, Fatness and Health in adolescents. The eight-week intervention consisted of 20min/session of C-HIIT in Physical Education classes (2 days/week) and 7 days/week of extracurricular C-HIIT challenges. The sample was 101 adolescents (GE = 59 and GC = 42) from Secondary Education Centers in Jaén, Spain. ALPHA-fitness and Eurofit batteries were used for physical tests and KIDSCREEN test to evaluate Health. The intervention program did not produce significant improvements in either Health or Fatness. There was significant improvement in two aspects of the Physical Condition, speed and horizontal jump. It is suggested that an eight-week C-HIIT program with a challenge system can improve the physical condition of adolescent school children, mainly the lower train strength, with speed and horizontal jump. Keywords: physical activity, high intensity, physical fitness, body composition, quality of life, secondary
Palabras clave
Educación Física