El método experiencial en la enseñanza religiosa
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El método experiencial es una forma de adquirir el aprendizaje a través de la experiencia vivida, observada y reflexionada. Son muchos los autores que defienden esta metodología ya que a partir de ella los alumnos adquieren con mayor eficacia los objetivos que se quieren conseguir. En este trabajo abordamos el por qué enseñar la religión en la escuela con este método y las diferentes fases del mismo. Para terminar, hemos incluido una unidad didáctica donde aplicamos dicho método
The experiential method is a way to acquire learning through lived, observed and reflected experience. There are many authors who defend this methodology as from her students acquire targets more affectively to be achieved. In this paper we address why teach religion in school with this method and the different phases. Finally, we have included a teaching unit where we apply this method.
The experiential method is a way to acquire learning through lived, observed and reflected experience. There are many authors who defend this methodology as from her students acquire targets more affectively to be achieved. In this paper we address why teach religion in school with this method and the different phases. Finally, we have included a teaching unit where we apply this method.