Caracterización mecánica de piezas obtenidas mediante Impresión 3D con Materiales Reforzados con Fibras
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades mecánicas de una serie de materiales reforzados con fibra obtenidos
a partir de la impresión 3D. Para ello se realizará una caracterización mecánica detallada de este tipo de
materiales siguiendo unas determinadas normas, se estudian cuatro materiales distintos, dos con microfibra de
carbono (PET y poliamida) y uno con fibra de vidrio continua, cuya matriz polimérica (Onyx) también se estudia
por separado (sin fibra de vidrio) para cuantificar la mejora en las propiedades mecánicas que supone la fibra.
Para la obtención de las deformaciones se emplea la técnica de correlación digital de imágenes (DIC) durante los
distintos ensayos realizados (tracción, compresión y cortante). Los resultados muestran una diversidad
significativa en las propiedades mecánicas y un acentuado comportamiento anisótropo.
In this project, the mechanical properties of some reinforced-fiber materials obtained from 3D printing are studied. A detailed mechanical characterization of this type of materials is made following certain standards. Four different materials are studied, two with carbon microfiber (PET and polyamide) and one with continuous glass fiber, whose polymeric matrix (Onyx) is also studied separately (without glass fiber) to quantify the improvement in the mechanical properties that the fiber means. In order to measure the deformations, the digital image correlation (DIC) technique is used during the different tests carried out (tensile, compression and shear). The results show a significant diversity in the mechanical properties and an accentuated anisotropic behavior..
In this project, the mechanical properties of some reinforced-fiber materials obtained from 3D printing are studied. A detailed mechanical characterization of this type of materials is made following certain standards. Four different materials are studied, two with carbon microfiber (PET and polyamide) and one with continuous glass fiber, whose polymeric matrix (Onyx) is also studied separately (without glass fiber) to quantify the improvement in the mechanical properties that the fiber means. In order to measure the deformations, the digital image correlation (DIC) technique is used during the different tests carried out (tensile, compression and shear). The results show a significant diversity in the mechanical properties and an accentuated anisotropic behavior..