¿Codificación del derecho administrativo sancionador?
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] A diferencia de otros derechos como el Derecho penal, el Derecho mercantil, o el Derecho civil, el cuerpo normativo del Derecho del trabajo nunca ha adoptado la forma de un verdadero Codigo del Trabajo. Este trabajo recoge los numerosos intentos del gobierno de “ codificar” el derecho del trabajo desde el fallido “código de trabajo” de 1926 , hasta el vigente Texto Refundido de la Ley de Infracciones y sanciones del orden social; así como el estudio de la prescripción de la infracciones (artículo 4), bastante importante en el Derecho laboral. Por tanto, la potestad sancionadora solamente puede ejercerse válidamente dentro del límite temporal fijado por la ley.
España ha tomado como modelo de estructuración de los poderes públicos al sistema napoleónico francés, el cual esta caracterizado por la independencia de la potestad sancionadora administrativa respecto al proceso penal.
[EN] Unlike other law such as criminal law, commercial law or civil law, the regulatory body of labor law has never taken the form of a real Labour Code. This paper covers the numerous government attempts to "codify", from the labor law from the failed "labour code" of 1926, until the blend text of law on offense and sanctions of social order. Also, the study of prescribing offenses and sanctions in the social order ( Article 4), quite important in the labor law. Therefore, the sanctioning power may only be brought, within the limit time determined by law. Spain is following, the modeled structuring of public authorities to the French Napoleonic system, characterized by independence of administrative authority over the criminal proceedings.
[EN] Unlike other law such as criminal law, commercial law or civil law, the regulatory body of labor law has never taken the form of a real Labour Code. This paper covers the numerous government attempts to "codify", from the labor law from the failed "labour code" of 1926, until the blend text of law on offense and sanctions of social order. Also, the study of prescribing offenses and sanctions in the social order ( Article 4), quite important in the labor law. Therefore, the sanctioning power may only be brought, within the limit time determined by law. Spain is following, the modeled structuring of public authorities to the French Napoleonic system, characterized by independence of administrative authority over the criminal proceedings.