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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Mediante este Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende elaborar un Proyecto de Intervención sobre la mejora de las competencias emocionales y el control emocional en ex menores extranjeros no acompañados (EXMENA). Este proyecto está dirigido a 30 jóvenes de entre 18 a 25 años que estén dentro del colectivo EXMENA en Jaén. La intervención se llevará a cabo en 6 actividades, divididas en 7 sesiones, en las que se trabajará las Habilidades Sociales básicas y complejas, la Inteligencia Emocional y algunas fortalezas que encontramos dentro de esta como el autocontrol. Estas actividades estarán expuestas a una evaluación inicial, continua y final. Los resultados esperados de esta intervención son que el grupo destinatario mejore sus competencias emocionales y puedan aprender y controlar los niveles de estrés, ansiedad, frustración, ira, tristeza, entre otros
Through this End of Degree Project we intend to elaborate an Intervention Project on the improvement of emotional skills and emotional control in unaccompanied former foreign minors (EXMENA). This project is aimed at 30 young people between 18 and 25 years who are in the EXMENA collective in Jaén. The intervention will be carried out in 6 activities, divided into 7 sessions, which will work on basic and complex Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence and some strengths that we find inside this as self-control. These activities will be exposed to an initial, continuous and final evaluation. The expected results of this intervention are that the group improves their emotional skills and can learn and control the levels of stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness, among others.
Through this End of Degree Project we intend to elaborate an Intervention Project on the improvement of emotional skills and emotional control in unaccompanied former foreign minors (EXMENA). This project is aimed at 30 young people between 18 and 25 years who are in the EXMENA collective in Jaén. The intervention will be carried out in 6 activities, divided into 7 sessions, which will work on basic and complex Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence and some strengths that we find inside this as self-control. These activities will be exposed to an initial, continuous and final evaluation. The expected results of this intervention are that the group improves their emotional skills and can learn and control the levels of stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness, among others.