Educación ambiental y conservación de biodiversidad
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El trabajo fin de grado que he elaborado es un método de Aprendizaje Basado en
Proyectos, en el que encontraremos todos los apartados propios de este tipo de metodología:
introducción y justificación, contextualización del proyecto, análisis curricular (objetivos,
contenidos y competencias clave), metodología y evaluación, la cual incluye tanto criterios
como estándares de aprendizaje evaluables.
Con el objetivo de llamar la atención de mi alumnado y hacerlos partícipes de sus
aprendizajes, he elaborado una actividad introductoria llamativa basada en las TIC. Además,
de ser una actividad que busca despertar el interés de mi alumnado en este tema, es una
actividad autoevaluadora, ya que se les propone el reto de realizarla antes y después del
Antes del desarrollo propio del proyecto he desarrollado el marco teórico, el cual
incluye desde el concepto de educación ambiental hasta la importancia de la conservación de
la biodiversidad y los insectos polinizadores.
The final degree project that I have prepared is a Project-Based Learning method, in which we will find all the sections of this type of methodology: introduction and justification, contextualization of the project, curricular analysis (objectives, content and key competences), methodology and evaluation, which includes both criteria and assessable learning standards. In order to attract the attention of my students and make them participate in their learning, I have developed a striking introductory activity based on ICT. In addition, being an activity that seeks to awaken the interest of my students in this subject, it is a self-evaluating activity, since the challenge of doing it before and after the project is proposed to them. Before developing the project itself, I have developed the theoretical framework, which includes everything from the concept of environmental education to the importance of conserving biodiversity and pollinating insects.
The final degree project that I have prepared is a Project-Based Learning method, in which we will find all the sections of this type of methodology: introduction and justification, contextualization of the project, curricular analysis (objectives, content and key competences), methodology and evaluation, which includes both criteria and assessable learning standards. In order to attract the attention of my students and make them participate in their learning, I have developed a striking introductory activity based on ICT. In addition, being an activity that seeks to awaken the interest of my students in this subject, it is a self-evaluating activity, since the challenge of doing it before and after the project is proposed to them. Before developing the project itself, I have developed the theoretical framework, which includes everything from the concept of environmental education to the importance of conserving biodiversity and pollinating insects.
Palabras clave
Ciencias de la Naturaleza