Análisis de las dificultades fonético-fonológicas de los hispanohablantes que aprenden francés
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El propósito principal de este trabajo es descubrir, explicar y catalogar todas las dificultades que presenta el sistema fonético-fonológico francés a los estudiantes españoles.
Para ello, primero se analizarán descriptivamente tanto el sistema fonético-fonológico francés como el español. Una vez analizados por completo, se realizará un análisis contrastivo de las dos lenguas tomando como referencia cuatro entrevistas y un ejercicio de lectura hechos a cuatro estudiantes españoles de francés. Para alcanzar los dos propósitos generales, que son extraer las diferencias que dificultan el aprendizaje de la pronunciación francesa y reunir todos los errores cometidos, un hablante nativo ha proporcionado la lectura correcta de todas las frases.
The main purpose of this paper is to establish a comparative study between French and Spanish phonetics, highlighting their main differences. Consequently, this detailed analysis is going to portray the principal difficulties that Spanish-speaking students must face when learning French. To do so properly, both systems are going to be previously described in depth (including vowels, glides, consonants and further features). Once the systems have been compared, four different recordings have been analysed. All of them belong to Spanish people studying French for more than two years. Toen, considering their pronunciation through a reading exercise, all the errors related to pronunciation have been properly underlined. In fact, a native speaker has given a correct reading of all the sentences; this way none of the errors has been obviated.
The main purpose of this paper is to establish a comparative study between French and Spanish phonetics, highlighting their main differences. Consequently, this detailed analysis is going to portray the principal difficulties that Spanish-speaking students must face when learning French. To do so properly, both systems are going to be previously described in depth (including vowels, glides, consonants and further features). Once the systems have been compared, four different recordings have been analysed. All of them belong to Spanish people studying French for more than two years. Toen, considering their pronunciation through a reading exercise, all the errors related to pronunciation have been properly underlined. In fact, a native speaker has given a correct reading of all the sentences; this way none of the errors has been obviated.
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