El proceso monitorio como vía de recuperación de rentas o cantidades debidas por el arrendamiento
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Con este trabajo de fin de grado, se pretende abordar el tema de las reclamaciones de las rentas de alquiler mediante el Proceso monitorio. Para eso vamos a conocer la naturaleza del Proceso monitorio, los requisitos y todo lo necesario para poder llegar a la conclusión de si se puede o no reclamar las rentas de alquiler mediante este proceso o si solo puede hacerse por juicio verbal.
Además, también veremos que proceso puede ser más ventajoso a la hora de la reclamación de rentas de alquiler (el proceso monitorio o el juicio verbal). No obstante, no solo estudiaremos los requisitos y su naturaleza, sino que haremos referencia a jurisprudencia, ya que es un caso poco estudiado.
[EN] With this final degree project, it is intended to address the issue of claims for rental income through the Payment Process. For that we will know the nature of the payment process, the requirements and everything necessary to reach the conclusion of whether or not you can claim rental income through this process or if it can only be done by verbal judgment. In addition we will also see what process can be more advantageous when it comes to claiming rental income (the payment process or the verbal trial). However, not only will we study the requirements and their nature, but we will refer to jurisprudence, since it is a little studied case.
[EN] With this final degree project, it is intended to address the issue of claims for rental income through the Payment Process. For that we will know the nature of the payment process, the requirements and everything necessary to reach the conclusion of whether or not you can claim rental income through this process or if it can only be done by verbal judgment. In addition we will also see what process can be more advantageous when it comes to claiming rental income (the payment process or the verbal trial). However, not only will we study the requirements and their nature, but we will refer to jurisprudence, since it is a little studied case.