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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Los alimentos cárnicos tienen un alto valor nutricional y necesitan la seguridad alimentaria para no ser contaminados por agentes microbianos. En este estudio se pretende evaluar la microbiota presente en productos cárnicos de distinto origen animal y determinar las posibles especies patógenas. En aquellas cepas bacterianas encontradas en las muestras de carne, se realizará una caracterización y se analizará la resistencia de estas bacterias frente a tres antibióticos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la carne de cerdo es el producto cárnico que más carga bacteriana presenta frente a la carne de conejo que es la que menos contiene. La mayoría de las cepas bacterianas usadas en el antibiograma presentaban gran resistencia frente a los antibióticos usados. Como resultado es importante un control de los productos cárnicos para evitar contaminación microbiana y que el uso de antibióticos sea distinto para animales y humanos para evitar que aparezcan resistencias.
Meat foods have a high nutritional value and need food security so as not to be contaminated by microbial agents. This study aims to evaluate the microbiota present in meat products of different animal origin and to determine possible pathogenic species. In those bacterial strains found in the meat samples, a characterization will be carried out and the resistance of these bacteria against three antibiotics will be analyzed. The results obtained indicate that pork is the meat product that has the most bacterial load compared to rabbit meat, which is the one that contains the least. Most of the bacterial strains used in the antibiogram showed great resistance against the antibiotics used. As a result, it is important to control meat products to avoid microbial contamination and that the use of antibiotics is different for animals and humans to avoid resistance.
Meat foods have a high nutritional value and need food security so as not to be contaminated by microbial agents. This study aims to evaluate the microbiota present in meat products of different animal origin and to determine possible pathogenic species. In those bacterial strains found in the meat samples, a characterization will be carried out and the resistance of these bacteria against three antibiotics will be analyzed. The results obtained indicate that pork is the meat product that has the most bacterial load compared to rabbit meat, which is the one that contains the least. Most of the bacterial strains used in the antibiogram showed great resistance against the antibiotics used. As a result, it is important to control meat products to avoid microbial contamination and that the use of antibiotics is different for animals and humans to avoid resistance.