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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El objetivo del siguiente Trabajo de Fin de Máster es trabajar el léxico en la
Etapa de Educación Primaria, a través de actividades en las que sea necesario el uso del
Trabajaremos el léxico usando una metodología creativa y dinámica que
favorezca el aprendizaje del alumnado luso. Usaremos las nuevas tecnologías, los
recursos interactivos, en definitiva, lo que nos ofrece la era digital.
En él, se incluye una propuesta didáctica sobre el léxico para el 4º nivel de
educación Primaria y será distribuido en diferentes de sesiones didácticas.
Léxico, nuevas tecnologías, diccionario.
[EN]The objective of the following Master's Thesis is to work on the lexicon in the Primary Education Stage, through activities in which the use of the dictionary is necessary. We will work on the lexicon using a creative and dynamic methodology that favors the learning of Portuguese students. We will use new technologies, interactive resources, in short, what the digital age offers us. In it, a didactic proposal on the lexicon is included for the 4th level of primary education and will be distributed in different didactic sessions. KEYWORD: Lexical, new technologies, dictionary
[EN]The objective of the following Master's Thesis is to work on the lexicon in the Primary Education Stage, through activities in which the use of the dictionary is necessary. We will work on the lexicon using a creative and dynamic methodology that favors the learning of Portuguese students. We will use new technologies, interactive resources, in short, what the digital age offers us. In it, a didactic proposal on the lexicon is included for the 4th level of primary education and will be distributed in different didactic sessions. KEYWORD: Lexical, new technologies, dictionary
Palabras clave
Enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera