Los préstamos hipotecarios ante los últimos pronunciamientos judiciales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La jurisprudencia española ha revisado la práctica de los bancos comerciales con sus clientes en los últimos años; en particular, respecto a la comercialización de producto financieros complejos (como, por ejemplo, las obligaciones convertibles) y la concesión de préstamos hipotecarios. Esta revisión ha provocado una gran polémica y la saturación de los juzgados de primera instancia como consecuencia de las demandas masivas. El presente trabajo analizará la evolución del mercado hipotecario español y las cláusulas más polémicas (por abusivas) utilizadas en los préstamos hipotecarios con consumidores por la banca comercial.
[EN] The spanish main judicial courts have reviewed the commercial banks´ standards practice towards its clients over the last fifteen years; in particular, regading the sale of complex financial products (e.g. convertibles bonds) and the granting of loans collateralized with mortgage security interests. Such case law review has caused great controversy and the collapse of the first instance courts and tribunals due to the massive amount of claims filed by customers against their commercial banks. this paper analyses the evolution of the Spanish mortgage market and the most controversial (and abusive) clauses used by the commercial banks in the mortgage loan contracts subscribed with their customers.
[EN] The spanish main judicial courts have reviewed the commercial banks´ standards practice towards its clients over the last fifteen years; in particular, regading the sale of complex financial products (e.g. convertibles bonds) and the granting of loans collateralized with mortgage security interests. Such case law review has caused great controversy and the collapse of the first instance courts and tribunals due to the massive amount of claims filed by customers against their commercial banks. this paper analyses the evolution of the Spanish mortgage market and the most controversial (and abusive) clauses used by the commercial banks in the mortgage loan contracts subscribed with their customers.