Estudio de la rugosidad superficial de probetas fabricadas mediante PETG reforzado con fibra de carbono.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Estudio de la rugosidad superficial en probetas diseñadas mediante el método FDM, mediante el cuál se
cambian varios parámetros de impresion y así obtener diferentes resultados de rugosidad superficial en las diferentes probetas a fabricar. Posteriormente se mide la rugosidad con un aparato llamado rugosímetro y se sacan las medidas para despues analizar y ver que parámetros son más significativos y así poder saber que parámetros son importantes para el acabado superficial en el método de fabricación FDM.
Study of the surface roughness in probes designed using the FDM method, which is changed by various printing parameters and thus obtain different results of surface roughness in the different specimens to be manufactured. Subsequently, the roughness is measured with a device called a roughness meter and the measurements are taken after analyzing and seeing that the parameters are more significant and thus knowing which parameters are important for the surface finish in the FDM manufacturing method.
Study of the surface roughness in probes designed using the FDM method, which is changed by various printing parameters and thus obtain different results of surface roughness in the different specimens to be manufactured. Subsequently, the roughness is measured with a device called a roughness meter and the measurements are taken after analyzing and seeing that the parameters are more significant and thus knowing which parameters are important for the surface finish in the FDM manufacturing method.