Arte e intervención social: las artes escénicas en los centros penitenciarios
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
A lo largo de la historia del trabajo social se han podido encontrar numerosas formas de intervención, que se han ido adaptando a los cambios sociales que acontecían. Para dar respuesta a esto, se propone a lo largo de este trabajo el concepto de educación artística como un instrumento de intervención en algunos contextos sociales, haciendo sobre todo hincapié en aquellos más vulnerables.
También se han desarrollado los numerosos ámbitos sobre los que puede utilizar el arte como herramienta de intervención la cual permite el cambio social desde una perspectiva diferente e innovadora, ayudando a las personas a desarrollar ciertas habilidades para satisfacer cualquier necesidad que les pueda surgir.
Se ha propuesto la arteterapia y la mediación artística como dos formas de intervención social a través del arte, con el objetivo de instaurar lazos de unión entre ambos, es decir, entre lo social y la disciplina artística.
Posteriormente se ha realizado un análisis de la utilización del arte como herramienta de intervención social en los centros penitenciarios, concretamente en los módulos de respeto a través de las artes escénicas.
Finalmente la revisión bibliográfica termina con una reflexión sobre una experiencia personal en el centro penitenciario de Jaén y unas conclusiones extraídas de los diferentes puntos de vista de los autores estudiados.
[EN]Throughout the history of social work they have been able to find numerous forms of intervention that have been adapted to social changes that happened. To answer this, it is proposed throughout this work the concept of artistic education as an instrument of intervention in some social contexts, with particular emphasis on those most vulnerable. We have also developed numerous areas which can use art as a tool of intervention which allows social change from a different and innovative perspective, helping people develop certain skills to meet any need that may arise them. Art therapy has been proposed and artistic mediation as two forms of social intervention through art, with the aim of establishing links between the two, ie, between the social and artistic discipline. Subsequently it carried out an analysis of the use of art as a tool of social intervention in prisons, particularly in respect modules through the performing arts. Finally the literature review ends with a reflection on a personal experience in the prison of Jaen and conclusions drawn from the different views of the authors studied.
[EN]Throughout the history of social work they have been able to find numerous forms of intervention that have been adapted to social changes that happened. To answer this, it is proposed throughout this work the concept of artistic education as an instrument of intervention in some social contexts, with particular emphasis on those most vulnerable. We have also developed numerous areas which can use art as a tool of intervention which allows social change from a different and innovative perspective, helping people develop certain skills to meet any need that may arise them. Art therapy has been proposed and artistic mediation as two forms of social intervention through art, with the aim of establishing links between the two, ie, between the social and artistic discipline. Subsequently it carried out an analysis of the use of art as a tool of social intervention in prisons, particularly in respect modules through the performing arts. Finally the literature review ends with a reflection on a personal experience in the prison of Jaen and conclusions drawn from the different views of the authors studied.