La mediación familiar como alternativa para la resolución de los conflictos familiares: Especial referencia al régimen jurídico del acuerdo de mediación.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo estudia de la mediación familiar en el doble ámbito estatal y autonómico. La mediación es un método alternativo de resolución de controversias, que trae aparejada, soluciones a los conflictos en las familias, a través de acuerdos logrados por las partes mismas, las cuales se relacionan mediante un tercero imparcial que ayuda a que sea efectiva la comunicación entre ellos y lleguen a un equilibrio, en donde no haya ganador ni perdedor.
[EN] This paper studies the family mediation in both areas; at the state and regional level. Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution, which brings solutions to conflicts in families, through agreements reached by both sides. These agreements are related to them by an impartial third person that helps to make communication between them effective and reach a balance, where there is no winner or loser.
[EN] This paper studies the family mediation in both areas; at the state and regional level. Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution, which brings solutions to conflicts in families, through agreements reached by both sides. These agreements are related to them by an impartial third person that helps to make communication between them effective and reach a balance, where there is no winner or loser.