Magna Splendore: así sonaban las catedrales españolas. Propuesta de concierto didáctico
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con el objetivo de paliar el distanciamiento evidente entre los adolescentes y el patrimonio musical español, se propone el estudio de la música en las catedrales españolas a través de un concierto didáctico que permite al alumnado establecer un contacto directo con este repertorio.
Dirigida al alumnado de 2o de Bachillerato que se encuentran cursando la materia en Historia de la Música y la Danza, esta propuesta didáctica plantea diferentes tareas musicales e interdisciplinares que contribuirán al desarrollo de la sensibilidad artística y del sentido crítico del alumnado.
El concierto se desarrolla en la catedral de Guadix, conocida como la Magna Splendore, y combina piezas de diferentes compositores españoles siguiendo un itinerario cronológico. Una de las intervenciones del programa —
Credo, Sanctus y Agnus Dei, Solemne Misa Regia (1839)— fue compuesta por Antonio Pablo Honrubia, maestro de capilla de la catedral de Guadix entre 1824 y 1857. De esta manera, los alumnos tendrán la oportunidad de
adentrarse en el patrimonio musical y arquitectónico de su ciudad, así como de escuchar en directo la música que sonaba en las catedrales españolas siglos atrás.
Palabras clave: música, catedral, concierto didáctico, bachillerato, patrimonio musical.
With the aim of reducing the evident distance between adolescents and the Spanish musical heritage, the study of music in Spanish cathedrals is proposed through a didactic concert that allows students to establish direct contact with this repertoire. Aimed at 2nd year Baccalaureate students who are studying History of Music and Dance, this didactic proposal sets out different musical and interdisciplinary tasks that will contribute to the development of artistic sensitivity and critical thinking in students. The concert takes place in the Guadix cathedral, known as the Magna Splendore, and combines pieces by different Spanish composers following a chronological itinerary. One of the interventions in the program —Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei, Solemne Misa Regia (1839)— was composed by Antonio Pablo Honrubia, chapelmaster at Guadix Cathedral between 1824 and 1857. In this way, students will have the opportunity to delve into the musical and architectural heritage of their city, as well as to listen live music that sounded in Spanish cathedrals centuries ago. Keywords: music, cathedral, didactic concert, baccalaureate, musical heritage.
With the aim of reducing the evident distance between adolescents and the Spanish musical heritage, the study of music in Spanish cathedrals is proposed through a didactic concert that allows students to establish direct contact with this repertoire. Aimed at 2nd year Baccalaureate students who are studying History of Music and Dance, this didactic proposal sets out different musical and interdisciplinary tasks that will contribute to the development of artistic sensitivity and critical thinking in students. The concert takes place in the Guadix cathedral, known as the Magna Splendore, and combines pieces by different Spanish composers following a chronological itinerary. One of the interventions in the program —Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei, Solemne Misa Regia (1839)— was composed by Antonio Pablo Honrubia, chapelmaster at Guadix Cathedral between 1824 and 1857. In this way, students will have the opportunity to delve into the musical and architectural heritage of their city, as well as to listen live music that sounded in Spanish cathedrals centuries ago. Keywords: music, cathedral, didactic concert, baccalaureate, musical heritage.
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