Los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales en defensa del Bienestar
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El contexto de la política social en el que se enmarca la acción profesional del Trabajo Social está actualmente condicionado por sucesivas crisis y recortes presupuestarios fruto de las políticas neoliberales. Esto ha impulsado en la última década el surgimiento de respuestas sociales, cómo pueden ser los movimientos de protesta y en defensa de los servicios públicos, más concretamente del sistema de bienestar. Este trabajo pretende, mediante una revisión bibliográfica, conocer la realidad de los nuevos movimientos sociales en España, pero especialmente del movimiento de los indignados español o movimiento 15M, debido al ciclo de movilizaciones que provocó su surgimiento. Para ello, se analizará su contexto de surgimiento, para luego presentar una revisión conceptual y exponer las características de los principales movimientos. Finalmente y teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos se puede afirmar qué los nuevos movimientos sociales están estrechamente ligados al bienestar de la población
The context of social policy in which the professional action of Social Work is framed is currently conditioned by successive crises and budget cuts as a result of neoliberal policies. This has prompted the emergence of social responses in the last decade, such as protest movements and in defense of public services, more specifically the welfare system. This work aims, through a bibliographic review, to know the reality of the new social movements in Spain, but especially the Spanish indignant movement or 15M movement due to the cycle of mobilizations that caused its emergence. To do this, its context of emergence will be analyzed, to then present a conceptual review and expose the characteristics of the main movements. Finally, and taking into account the results obtained, it can be affirmed that the new social movements are closely linked to the well-being of the population
The context of social policy in which the professional action of Social Work is framed is currently conditioned by successive crises and budget cuts as a result of neoliberal policies. This has prompted the emergence of social responses in the last decade, such as protest movements and in defense of public services, more specifically the welfare system. This work aims, through a bibliographic review, to know the reality of the new social movements in Spain, but especially the Spanish indignant movement or 15M movement due to the cycle of mobilizations that caused its emergence. To do this, its context of emergence will be analyzed, to then present a conceptual review and expose the characteristics of the main movements. Finally, and taking into account the results obtained, it can be affirmed that the new social movements are closely linked to the well-being of the population
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