La discapacidad visual en el área de la educación física
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La integración del alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo en el aula es uno de los fundamentos sobre los que se asienta nuestro sistema educativo. El trabajo que se presenta plasma la realidad de la inclusión educativa en la escuela a través de una Unidad Didáctica del área de Educación Física en 5º Curso de Educación Primaria en la que uno de los alumnos tiene discapacidad visual. Dentro del área de Educación Física, la integración es un proceso difícil, donde los docentes deben poseer unos recursos que culminen la integración total en el aula. En este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer un poco más las dificultades que puedan manifestarse y enseñar a actuar ante ellas.
The integration of students with specific educational needs in the classroom is one of the foundations on which our educational system rests. This draft shows us the reality of educational inclusion in the school trough a teaching unit of Physical Educational area, in a fifth grade classroom education in which one student has a visual impairment. In the area of Physical Education, the integration is a difficult process which the teachers must have resources that the integration full culminates in the classroom. In this project the aim is to provide the difficulties that they may manifest and teaching them to act.
The integration of students with specific educational needs in the classroom is one of the foundations on which our educational system rests. This draft shows us the reality of educational inclusion in the school trough a teaching unit of Physical Educational area, in a fifth grade classroom education in which one student has a visual impairment. In the area of Physical Education, the integration is a difficult process which the teachers must have resources that the integration full culminates in the classroom. In this project the aim is to provide the difficulties that they may manifest and teaching them to act.
Palabras clave
Educación física