Educación en valores en Educación Primaria y propuesta de actividades en el aula
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La educación en valores se ha convertido en una parte fundamental en los centros educativos
actualmente. En este estudio se analiza qué es la educación en valores, cuáles son los que se trabajan
en Educación Primaria, cómo trabajarlos, el papel de estos en la educación actual, la evolución ante las
diferentes leyes que han tenido lugar en nuestro país, la importancia de las familias y los docentes y,
por último, se pone de manifiesto una serie de actividades y recursos para trabajar los mencionados
valores tanto en una atención individualizada como en un aula o un grupo de refuerzo.
Education in values has become a fundamental part of schools nowadays. This study analyzes what is education in values, what are those that are worked in Primary Education, how to work them, the role of these in current education, the evolution before the different laws that have taken place in our country, the importance of families and teachers and, finally, a number of activities and resources are highlighted to work on these values, both in an individualized care and in a classroom or a reinforcement group.
Education in values has become a fundamental part of schools nowadays. This study analyzes what is education in values, what are those that are worked in Primary Education, how to work them, the role of these in current education, the evolution before the different laws that have taken place in our country, the importance of families and teachers and, finally, a number of activities and resources are highlighted to work on these values, both in an individualized care and in a classroom or a reinforcement group.
Palabras clave
Educación Especial