Determinación de plastificantes en simulantes mediante HPLC-MS
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[es] El empleo de films de PVC es muy relevante en diversos ámbitos, uno de ellos tiene lugar en el ámbito doméstico donde mayoritariamente se destina a entrar en contacto con alimentos. El uso y producción de este tipo de material, se debe a las características y ventajas que proporciona mediante la adicción de aditivos. En un principio, el uso de ftalatos en este tipo de materiales fue muy común y extendido, aunque la supuesta migración de estos desde la matriz polimérica hacia el material en contacto, llevó a diversos estudios indagar sobre su exposición en humanos. Dichos estudios revelaron que la toxicidad que presentaban era notable, conllevando a numerosos problemas para la salud humana, por lo que la búsqueda de otro tipo de plastificantes que otorgaran unas propiedades similares en el producto acabado y, una toxicidad menor derivó en el uso de plastificantes de origen natural como el ESBO y de base de éster, como el adipato de dioctilo. Aunque la migración de ambos plastificantes está regulada, no se sabe con certeza si estos niveles de migración se dan en realidad.
El objeto de este estudio en referencia con los datos que maneja la norma UNE-EN-1186-2, será la determinación de ambos plastificantes de manera simultánea en las muestras de simulante utilizado, poniendo en marcha un método con el cual seamos capaces de sin un previo tratamiento de la muestra, conocer la migración que se produce. El análisis de las muestras se realizará empleando la cantidad mínima de muestra y, con el apoyo de la técnica de cromatografía líquida acoplada a la espectrometría de masas triple cuadrupolo.
[en] The use of PVC Clingfilm is outstanding in several fields; one of them takes place at home, where it is mostly used to be in contact with food. Its use and production is due to the characteristics and advantages that it gives by means of the addition of additives. At the starting point, the use of phthalates in this kind of materials was widespread, although their assumed migration from the polymeric matrix to the contact material led some research to investigate their exposure in humans. This research revealed that their grade of toxicity was prominent, leading to many problems for human health; because of this, the search for other kind of plasticisers, which gave similar properties and less toxicity to the finished product, 9 resulted into the use of plasticisers of natural origin such as ESBO and ether based or dyoctil adipate. Although the migration of both plasticisers is controlled, we do not certainly know if these levels of migration actually occur. This research, in reference to the data from the rule UNE-EN-1186-2, is intended to determine both plasticisers simultaneously in the specimens of simulant which has been used, initiating a method to be able to know the migration which is produced without a prior treatment of the specimen. The analysis of the specimens will be done with the minimum quantity of it and with the support of the liquid chromatography attached to the triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.
[en] The use of PVC Clingfilm is outstanding in several fields; one of them takes place at home, where it is mostly used to be in contact with food. Its use and production is due to the characteristics and advantages that it gives by means of the addition of additives. At the starting point, the use of phthalates in this kind of materials was widespread, although their assumed migration from the polymeric matrix to the contact material led some research to investigate their exposure in humans. This research revealed that their grade of toxicity was prominent, leading to many problems for human health; because of this, the search for other kind of plasticisers, which gave similar properties and less toxicity to the finished product, 9 resulted into the use of plasticisers of natural origin such as ESBO and ether based or dyoctil adipate. Although the migration of both plasticisers is controlled, we do not certainly know if these levels of migration actually occur. This research, in reference to the data from the rule UNE-EN-1186-2, is intended to determine both plasticisers simultaneously in the specimens of simulant which has been used, initiating a method to be able to know the migration which is produced without a prior treatment of the specimen. The analysis of the specimens will be done with the minimum quantity of it and with the support of the liquid chromatography attached to the triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.