Musicoterapia en autismo
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En este trabajo de fin de grado se lleva a cabo una revisión del concepto y de las
características y necesidades fundamentales del alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro
Autista, del concepto de musicoterapia y su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Además se
observa los beneficios que la musicoterapia aporta al alumnado con TEA. Se plantea una
intervención de musicoterapia con el objetivo de mejorar las relaciones sociales del
alumnado, mejorando la comunicación verbal y no verbal a través de esta terapia y optimizar
el reconocimiento y expresión de las emociones. Dicha intervención se basa en la
metodología Teacch, la cual se basa principalmente en la organización del espacio, del tiempo
y en el uso de apoyos visuales.
In this final degree project, a review of the concept and the fundamental characteristics and needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the concept of music therapy and it is evolution over time is carried out. In addition, it is observed the benefits that music therapy brings to students with ASD. A music therapy intervention is proposed with the aim of improving the social relationships of students, improving verbal and nonverbal communication through this therapy and optimizing the recognition and expression of emotions. This intervention is based on the Teacch methodology, which is mainly based on the organization of space, time and the use of visual aids.
In this final degree project, a review of the concept and the fundamental characteristics and needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the concept of music therapy and it is evolution over time is carried out. In addition, it is observed the benefits that music therapy brings to students with ASD. A music therapy intervention is proposed with the aim of improving the social relationships of students, improving verbal and nonverbal communication through this therapy and optimizing the recognition and expression of emotions. This intervention is based on the Teacch methodology, which is mainly based on the organization of space, time and the use of visual aids.
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Educación Especial