La Rítmica de Dalcroze en Educación Infantil
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(ES) Diversos estudios han demostrado que los niños que recibieron una buena estimulación musical
en la infancia adquirieron mejores capacidades académicas que el resto. A través de las
metodologías activas se pueden desarrollar importantes destrezas musicales desde las edades más
tempranas. En este trabajo nos vamos a centrar en la metodología ideada por el pedagogo Émile
Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950), analizando sus posibilidades en la etapa de Educación Infantil. La
Rítmica de Dalcroze es un método que trabaja las facultades artísticas a través de la armonización
del movimiento corporal y el musical. El trabajo se ha estructurado en dos partes: tras el marco
teórico, en el que reviso el método según las últimas investigaciones y su aplicación en infantil,
presento una unidad didáctica basada en los principios de la Rítmica de Dalcroze. Se concluye en
la necesidad de formación de los docentes de infantil en dicho método, para que la música y el
movimiento no queden desplazados de las aulas de infantil.
(EN) Several articles have proved that the children that get a great musical stimulation achieve better abilities than the rest. The musical skills can be developed through active methodologies in childhood. This work is going to be focus on the methodology of the pedagogue Émile Jaques Dalcroze (1865-1950), with the possibilities of the application in the early education. The Dalcroze’s Rhythmical is a method in which the artistic faculties are gained through the harmonization of the musical and corporal movement. The work has been organized in two parts: the theoretical assumption, in which the method is reviewed with the last investigations and the application in early education; and the didactic unit, that it’s based on the principle of the Dalcroze’s Rhythmical. The conclusion is that the teachers must have an appropiate academic so that the music and the movement are not displaced in the childhood education classroom.
(EN) Several articles have proved that the children that get a great musical stimulation achieve better abilities than the rest. The musical skills can be developed through active methodologies in childhood. This work is going to be focus on the methodology of the pedagogue Émile Jaques Dalcroze (1865-1950), with the possibilities of the application in the early education. The Dalcroze’s Rhythmical is a method in which the artistic faculties are gained through the harmonization of the musical and corporal movement. The work has been organized in two parts: the theoretical assumption, in which the method is reviewed with the last investigations and the application in early education; and the didactic unit, that it’s based on the principle of the Dalcroze’s Rhythmical. The conclusion is that the teachers must have an appropiate academic so that the music and the movement are not displaced in the childhood education classroom.