Análisis estratégicos de cultivos complementarios: pistacho y olivas.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La curiosidad de poder llegar a incrementar la cartera de cultivos
agroalimentarios y desarrollar medidas para su máxima rentabilidad nos ha llevado a escoger dos cultivos como han sido el pistacho y la oliva.
El objetivo a desarrollar parte por un lado, de poder analizar la rentabilidad de ambos cultivos en terrenos rurales bajo cooperativas españolas y por otro lado investigar la posible complementación de ambos, llegando así a cubrir el calendario agrícola con ambos cultivos sacándole mayor partido a la superficie cultivada.
En definitiva, se pretende utilizar la oportunidad de un cultivo innovador como está siendo el pistacho en España, caracterizado con grandes rasgos económicos para intercalarlo con un cultivo arraigado a España, tal como es el olivo para así dar lugar a una nueva idea de negocio para cooperativas y agricultores incidentes en nuestro país.
[EN] The curiosity to increase the portfolio of food crops and develop measures for maximum profitability has led us to choose two crops such as pistachio and olive. The objective to be developed is, on the one hand, to be able to analyse the profitability of both crops in rural lands under Spanish cooperatives and, on the other hand, to investigate the possible complementarity of both, thus covering the agricultural calendar with both crops, making the most of the cultivated area. In short, the aim is to use the opportunity of an innovative crop such as pistachio in Spain, characterized with broad economic features to intersperse it with a crop rooted in Spain, such as the olive tree to give rise to a new business idea for cooperatives and farmers incidents in our country.
[EN] The curiosity to increase the portfolio of food crops and develop measures for maximum profitability has led us to choose two crops such as pistachio and olive. The objective to be developed is, on the one hand, to be able to analyse the profitability of both crops in rural lands under Spanish cooperatives and, on the other hand, to investigate the possible complementarity of both, thus covering the agricultural calendar with both crops, making the most of the cultivated area. In short, the aim is to use the opportunity of an innovative crop such as pistachio in Spain, characterized with broad economic features to intersperse it with a crop rooted in Spain, such as the olive tree to give rise to a new business idea for cooperatives and farmers incidents in our country.