Uso del multimedia en el ámbito educativo
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En este trabajo se recogen los aspectos más significativos sobre las Nuevas Tecnologías y los materiales Multimedia utilizados en el ámbito educativo. Se exponen diversos puntos con los que se localiza históricamente la creación del término multimedia educativo, se recoge la importancia del mismo, así como sus clasificaciones, características, funciones, ventajas e inconvenientes y el papel del ordenador en el aula. Además se expone cómo se ha de diseñar un material didáctico multimedia. A partir de aquí se muestra un ejemplo de material multimedia de realización propia con el cual se explican los procedimientos a seguir para su creación y puesta en práctica. El trabajo en su conjunto aborda la importancia de las NNTT en la actualidad, y la introducción de las mismas en las escuelas para la mejora de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. Son muchos los autores que enfocan sus trabajos hacia este tema por la relevancia que está tomando y los buenos resultados que se están recogiendo en casos reales puestos en práctica en el colegio.
[EN]In this work are collected the most significant aspects of New Technologies and Multimedia materials used in education. Several points are exposed in it, relating it historically, the creation of educational multimedia definition, the importance of itself and their classifications, characteristics, functions, advantages and disadvantages and the role of the computer in the classroom. Also is discussed about how to design a multimedia teaching materials. From that information, is shown an example of multimedia material made by myself with which explain the procedure to get the creation and implementation. The whole work approaches about the importance of ICT lives today, and the introduction of them in schools to improve teaching and learning. Many authors focus their work towards this topic, because it is taking relevance and good results, collected in real cases which are implemented in the school.
[EN]In this work are collected the most significant aspects of New Technologies and Multimedia materials used in education. Several points are exposed in it, relating it historically, the creation of educational multimedia definition, the importance of itself and their classifications, characteristics, functions, advantages and disadvantages and the role of the computer in the classroom. Also is discussed about how to design a multimedia teaching materials. From that information, is shown an example of multimedia material made by myself with which explain the procedure to get the creation and implementation. The whole work approaches about the importance of ICT lives today, and the introduction of them in schools to improve teaching and learning. Many authors focus their work towards this topic, because it is taking relevance and good results, collected in real cases which are implemented in the school.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la comunicación y la Información