Optimización de los recursos en una almazara
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se va a realizar un análisis de la optimización de los recursos en una almazara, dedicada a la obtención, envasado y comercialización de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, pero solamente se va ha hacer estudio sin tener en cuenta los procesos de envasado y etiquetado.
La palabra optimización ayuda a la gestión y planificación de mejoras en el proceso de trabajo y aumentar el rendimiento de la empresa. Dicha optimización se realiza con respecto a uno o más recursos con el objetivo de reducir sus costes y aumentar los beneficios. Es decir, buscar la forma de mejorar el recurso de una empresa para que ésta tenga mejores resultados, mayor eficiencia y mejor eficacia
Tras elaborar el proceso de optimización como mejora para la Cooperativa, se tratará un tema muy importante en la actualidad el cual está contribuyendo de manera negativa al medio ambiente: La Contaminación.
[EN]This piece of work analyses the production process in an “Oil Cooperative”. It´s based on the making and commercialization of Extra Virgin Olive Oil but the packaging and labelling process won´t be described. The project shows a detailed research on the production process and the resources which are associated to it such as the machinery, the staff and the final product. “Optimization” is used to develop a task in a efficient way. It´s carried out for more than one resource with the aim of reducing costs and increasing profits. Finally, the goal of this project is to develop a practical example in which every resource used in this business is analysed and studied from the reception of the olives to the final product: “The Olive Oil”, getting some results and checking the resources that can be improved and which of them are totally optimized. Likewise, after the development of the optimization process in order to improve this “Oil Cooperative”, Pollution, an important subject in today´s world, will be explained.
[EN]This piece of work analyses the production process in an “Oil Cooperative”. It´s based on the making and commercialization of Extra Virgin Olive Oil but the packaging and labelling process won´t be described. The project shows a detailed research on the production process and the resources which are associated to it such as the machinery, the staff and the final product. “Optimization” is used to develop a task in a efficient way. It´s carried out for more than one resource with the aim of reducing costs and increasing profits. Finally, the goal of this project is to develop a practical example in which every resource used in this business is analysed and studied from the reception of the olives to the final product: “The Olive Oil”, getting some results and checking the resources that can be improved and which of them are totally optimized. Likewise, after the development of the optimization process in order to improve this “Oil Cooperative”, Pollution, an important subject in today´s world, will be explained.