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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Desde nuestros orígenes, el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de mostrar sus sentimientos, emociones, miedos o deseos expresándolos de distintas formas, algunas de ellas a través del arte, utilizando técnicas artísticas como la Arteterapia o también desde las diferentes formas de expresión y manifestación que la Naturaleza nos brinda. Por lo tanto, es evidente la necesidad de manifestarnos y expresarnos mediante el arte, ya que ha estado presente en nuestras vidas desde hace miles de años y en distintos periodos históricos. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre términos más específicos como es el Arteterapia y el contacto de la misma con la Naturaleza como una forma de terapia. El objeto de estudio ha sido investigar acerca de los orígenes y antecedentes de ambas, exponentes e instituciones que las trabajan, la propia historia, así como los objetivos y beneficios que
éstas ofrecen a todo tipo de colectivos y en los diferentes contextos sociales. Después se indagará en los efectos que producen ambas en alumnado con Necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (NEAE) y ejemplos sobre cómo introducir la Naturaleza en la educación, cuales son los beneficios de crecer y estar en contacto con ella y las prácticas artísticas que se generan a través de ella. Se analizará la unión y el contacto del Arteterapia con la Naturaleza cuando de sanar se trata.
[EN] Since our origins, the human being has had the need to show their feelings, emotions, fears or desires expressing them in different ways, some of them through art, using artistic techniques such as art therapy or also from different forms of expression and manifestation that Nature gives us. Therefore, the need to manifest and express ourselves through art is evident, since it has been present in our lives for miles of years and in different historical periods. In the present work, a bibliographic review is carried out on more specific terms such as Art therapy and its contact with Nature as a form of therapy. The object of study has been to investigate the origins and antecedents of both, exponents and institutions that work them, the history itself, as well as the objectives and benefits that include all types of groups and in different social contexts. Then it will investigate the effects that both produce in students with Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE) and examples on how to introduce Nature in education, what are the benefits of growing and being in contact with it and the artistic practices that are generated through it. The union and contact of Art therapy with Nature will be analyzed when it comes to healing.
[EN] Since our origins, the human being has had the need to show their feelings, emotions, fears or desires expressing them in different ways, some of them through art, using artistic techniques such as art therapy or also from different forms of expression and manifestation that Nature gives us. Therefore, the need to manifest and express ourselves through art is evident, since it has been present in our lives for miles of years and in different historical periods. In the present work, a bibliographic review is carried out on more specific terms such as Art therapy and its contact with Nature as a form of therapy. The object of study has been to investigate the origins and antecedents of both, exponents and institutions that work them, the history itself, as well as the objectives and benefits that include all types of groups and in different social contexts. Then it will investigate the effects that both produce in students with Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE) and examples on how to introduce Nature in education, what are the benefits of growing and being in contact with it and the artistic practices that are generated through it. The union and contact of Art therapy with Nature will be analyzed when it comes to healing.