El aislamiento social y la soledad como factor de riesgo para la salud física y emocional de las personas mayores: una revisión sistemática
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[ES]La calidad de vida de las personas mayores es una de las preocupaciones sociales que se estudian en la
actualidad, este colectivo se ve afectado por situaciones de soledad no deseada o aislamiento social, es
esta la razón principal por la que se desarrolla este estudio, el objetivo es recabar en la literatura para
descubrir cuáles son los factores psicológicos y fisiológicos que se han visto afectados por la soledad o por
el aislamiento social en los adultos mayores. Se acuden a las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science,
Pubmed y Medline Proquest, de las cuales, tras un cribado y selección (Declaración PRISMA). Finalmente,
un total de 13 artículos son incluidos, a los cuales se les realiza una síntesis temática y se evalúan en
calidad. Se concluye que los adultos mayores que experimentan soledad o aislamiento social desean
recuperar sus interacciones sociales con familiares y con su comunidad.
[EN]The quality of life of the elderly is one of the social concerns currently being studied, in many cases this group is affected by situations of undesired loneliness or social isolation, this is the main reason because of what this study is developed, the main objective is to seek in the literature to discover what are the psychological and physiological factors that have been affected by loneliness or social isolation in elderly. Databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed and Medline Proquest are used, after screening and selection (PRISMA Declaration), 13 are included, which are systematically analyzed and their quality evaluated. It is concluded that older adults living alone or in social isolation mostly want to recover their social interactions with family members and their community.
[EN]The quality of life of the elderly is one of the social concerns currently being studied, in many cases this group is affected by situations of undesired loneliness or social isolation, this is the main reason because of what this study is developed, the main objective is to seek in the literature to discover what are the psychological and physiological factors that have been affected by loneliness or social isolation in elderly. Databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed and Medline Proquest are used, after screening and selection (PRISMA Declaration), 13 are included, which are systematically analyzed and their quality evaluated. It is concluded that older adults living alone or in social isolation mostly want to recover their social interactions with family members and their community.
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