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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El suicidio es una problemática a nivel mundial en la cual se han detectado, en los últimos años, tasas más elevadas en la población adolescente. La adolescencia se corresponde con un estadio vulnerable en el ciclo de la vida, por todos los cambios producidos en esta. Un factor de riesgo determinante para el comportamiento suicida en esta etapa, es la tentativa de suicidio, en el cual debe ponerse énfasis en su prevención. De este modo, la psicología reciente presta atención al constructo "Resiliencia" como factor protector en la conducta suicida. Por tanto, el presente programa con diseño Pre-Post y seguimiento, tiene como objetivo fomentar la Resiliencia y las habilidades asociadas a ella, como son: el sentido del humor, la satisfacción con la vida, la impulsividad y las habilidades sociales en los adolescentes que ya hayan realizado algún intento, para disminuir o evitar futuras tentativas de suicidio.
Suicide is a worldwide problem in which, in the last few years, higher rates in teenager population have been detected. Adolescence corresponds to a vulnerable stage in the cycle of life, because all of the changes produces in this period. A determining risk factor for suicidal behaviour at this stage is suicide attempt, in which emphasis must be put for its prevention. Thereby, recent psychology pays attention to the construct “Resilience” as a protective factor in suicidal behaviour. Thus, the present program with monitoring and Pre-Post design, aims to encourage Resilience and the skills related to it, as: sense of humor, satisfaction with life, impulsiveness and social skills in teenager which have been already tried, in order to reduce or avoid future suicide attemps.
Suicide is a worldwide problem in which, in the last few years, higher rates in teenager population have been detected. Adolescence corresponds to a vulnerable stage in the cycle of life, because all of the changes produces in this period. A determining risk factor for suicidal behaviour at this stage is suicide attempt, in which emphasis must be put for its prevention. Thereby, recent psychology pays attention to the construct “Resilience” as a protective factor in suicidal behaviour. Thus, the present program with monitoring and Pre-Post design, aims to encourage Resilience and the skills related to it, as: sense of humor, satisfaction with life, impulsiveness and social skills in teenager which have been already tried, in order to reduce or avoid future suicide attemps.