Juego de Mesa en Aplicación Móvil
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Desarrollo de juego de cartas de creación propia en una aplicación móvil. El juego consistirá en una introducción de
jugadores de los cuales se seleccionará de manera aleatoria uno de ellos para que escoja una carta de color rojo (decir la
verdad) o de color negro (decir mentira). Seguidamente, se vuelve a hacer una tirada aleatoria para que uno de los
jugadores realice una pregunta al primer jugador seleccionado que previamente ha elegido una carta. Después se hace
una ronda recorriendo a todos los jugadores restantes los cuales deben de elegir una carta (de color rojo o negro)
intentando adivinar cual ha sido la elección del primer jugador basándose en la respuesta a la pregunta realizada y en que
el color rojo es “verdad” y el negro es “mentira”; los jugadores que acierten, conseguirán un punto, la tirada finaliza y
comienza una nueva tirada.
Development of own creation card game in a mobile application. The game will consist of an introduction of players, one of whom will be randomly selected to choose a red (tell the truth) or black (tell a lie) card. Next, a random throw is made again so that one of the players asks a question to the first selected player who has previously chosen a card. Then a round is made going through all the remaining players who must choose a card (red or black) trying to guess which has been the choice of the first player based on the answer to the question asked and that the red color is "true" and black is "lie"; the players who succeed, will get a point, the roll ends and a new roll begins.
Development of own creation card game in a mobile application. The game will consist of an introduction of players, one of whom will be randomly selected to choose a red (tell the truth) or black (tell a lie) card. Next, a random throw is made again so that one of the players asks a question to the first selected player who has previously chosen a card. Then a round is made going through all the remaining players who must choose a card (red or black) trying to guess which has been the choice of the first player based on the answer to the question asked and that the red color is "true" and black is "lie"; the players who succeed, will get a point, the roll ends and a new roll begins.